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When Temptation Rears It's Head | childofasmodeus | 2


Jack was just about to tell her yes when he noticed his daughter's friend Kim standing behind Emily. Kim was also 18 and was Emily's best friend since junior high. Kim was a very attractive blonde. Today she wore some pink cotton gym shorts, the kind that usually said something inappropriate on the girls ass, and a plain white tank top. Her shoulder length blonde hair hung loosely to her shoulders.
She was as beautiful as his daughter. Kim was on the volleyball team as well so she also had a trim little body. Jack's eyes flashed briefly to Kim's breasts. They were just slightly bigger than Emily's.

It was a dirty move. Come upstairs and ask permission for something with your friend standing right behind you. What father could say no without looking like a total jerk. Jack had been young once, even if his daughter seemed to disagree.
Jack didn't really mind though since he had already planned to let his daughter use the car.

"You're just going to the mall? What for?" Jack had decided since she was going to play dirty then he might as well torment her a bit.

"Just to browse around, and hang out, you know. Oh, and we might go see a movie too if we get bored and can decide on what we want to see," Emily was smiling yet making puppy dog eyes at the same time.

Jack had to keep himself from laughing. It was a sight to behold, to see how his daughter was trying to get her way. "Are there going to boys there?"

"At the mall? Well yeah, it's Saturday. Everyone hangs out at the mall," Emily said, holding her smile but starting to seem impatient. "We're not going there to meet anyone, but I'm sure somewhere in the mall there will be a boy or two."

"OK smartass, you can take the car. If you decide on a movie then at least call and let me know where you're going. If you go anywhere else I'd like to know as well. Before you go there," Jack said.

Although Emily was 18, and technically an adult, he still had a few ground rules. They were the typical ones designed not so much to control his daughter as much as they were there in case something went terribly wrong. Like should she turn up missing, then at least he'd have some idea of where to start searching. When Emily had first moved in with him, Jack had almost gone mad from all the worrying. Luckily he had learned he could trust his daughter and was wise enough to know he couldn't protect her from every little thing.
Jack was also luckily enough that his daughter followed the few rules he set. It helped set his mind at ease to some degree. Emily was pretty smart and she seemed to know the rules were for his peace of mind and not to keep her under his thumb.

"Of course daddy," She ran in and gave him a big hug. "We'll try to be home for supper. Kim is going to stay over if that's OK with you. Her mom already said it's cool."

Jack hugged his daughter back as best as he could from the confines of his chair. She had bent down to hug him and as she stood back up he was eye level with her firm teen breasts. Jack braved a glimpse at them then looked to Kim, still standing in the doorway.

Kim was a bit of a wild child from what his daughter had told him and from what he had gathered from small conversations with other parents. He had heard she had several boyfriends at once. He had also heard a story about how she had to get her stomach pumped once from drinking too much alcohol. Jack wasn't too worried though. Kim was a troubled girl, but she seemed to be lifted up by hanging out with his daughter, instead of dragging Emily down. The two never got into much trouble together.

Jack noticed that Kim was wearing too much makeup. Her bright red lips beamed at him as she smiled. She had on too much eyeliner and eye shadow. Not enough to look like a whore, but too much for a trip to the mall. At least as far as Jack could tell. What did he know about the young people nowadays? Kim's eyes sparkled at him. They were bright blue and quite pretty. But there was something else there. Hunger or cruelty? It was like she was trying to seduce him into letting her stay over, or dare him to say she couldn't.

Jack pushed the thoughts from his mind. I'm seeing things that just aren't there, he thought.
Jack glimpsed down at her breasts pushing against her tank top. Was Kim not wearing a bra? He could see small bumps under the tank top where her nipples were pushing against the fabric. A small surge of heat hit Jack in his ball sack.

Forcing himself to stop lusting after his daughter and her friend he made eye contact with Emily again.
"The keys are on the kitchen counter by my wallet. I have a couple twenties in there if you need some spending money, but leave me some cash, please. And you know the rule, if the car get's below half a tank, then you fill it up before you bring it home."

Jack could see Emily mouth the words as he said them about filling the car up. He said them every time she borrowed it, yet he was lucky if she obeyed them half the time.

"And Kim is more than welcome to stay the evening. We can get Chinese or order pizzas if you're hungry when you get back," Jack said as Emily embraced him again.

"Oh thank you daddy! You're the best." Emily broke off the hug and they went to gather up the keys and probably take all the cash from his wallet. As they walked away Jack caught a glimpse of Kim's ass. Sure enough, in grey sparkling letters, it said "Spank" on the ass of her shorts.

Jack shook his head and continued to watch. Kim disappeared from view and his eyes fell to his daughters backside. The cutoff jean shorts barely covered her ass cheeks. Jack swallowed hard as his eyes traced the stitching on the denim up the seem in her ass crack. Her toned cheeks bounced out of view as she made her way down the stairs.

The image had burned itself into Jack's mind though. He could still see the soft cloth hugging her ass as each globe shifted and moved as his daughter bounded down the stairs.

"Christ, I'm losing it," Jack thought to himself. It was sad enough that he was some lonely old pervert drooling over some firm 18 year old body when he stared at Kim. So what was it when he lusted after his daughter's buns just now?

"Sick," he thought. "I'm a sick old man who needs to get laid. By someone his own age, and preferably not related."

He tried to go back to reading his emails as he heard the two teens leave the house and the car leave the driveway. Between reading his emails and answering some, Jack kept having a debate in his thoughts.

Surely fathers would sometimes look at their daughters. It was the natural way of things. He was attracted to females and his daughter had become a very attractive one. It was only natural for some part of him to want to look and see. It didn't make him a pervert just for noticing that his daughter was attractive.
The fact that he had to fight off the thought of rubbing his hand over her denim clad bottom might however.

Jack finished up his emailing and headed down to the kitchen. He needed to clear his head and think about something else. Jack wasn't overly concerned about his thoughts earlier, but he wouldn't say he was quite comfortable with them.

Jack grabbed a bottled water from the fridge and then a bag of chips from the cupboard. He nestled down in front of the TV with his snack and channel surfed until he found a baseball game on. Jack snacked and drank his water and soon had forgotten all his earlier internal conflict. It wasn't long until he was peacefully sprawled on the couch and drifting off to sleep.


After the nap

          Home alone

          Girls are back


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