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. | childofasmodeus | 2


One of the few perks about her waitress job, was that she lived close by. On nicer days she could walk if she wanted to. Most days she would just take the bus. It was only twenty minutes form her house with the few stops the bus made between home and the hotel.

Sheila would dress for work at home before she left. The required 'uniform' was a pair of black dress pants and a white button up dress blouse. They were supposed to wear black shoes as well. Sheila had found a plain black pair of pumps that did the trick.

It wasn't a bad outfit and Sheila thought she managed to look good in it. The pants were tight, showing off her shapely legs and bubble butt. At 5'7" she was about average with an athletic frame. She had average tits and a nice ass, if she said so herself. With her blonde shoulder length hair and nice tan she would call herself pretty, if not hot.

The blouse was pretty plain and didn't do much for her, except you could see a bit of cleavage on her 36 C's when she left the top two buttons undone. She did this not because it helped with tips, but because her pervy boss encouraged her to since mostly businessmen drank in the hotel bar.

Mr. Fredricks had most likely hired her because he wanted to look at her cleavage. He was a heavy set man in his 50's with a perverted side and no sense of humor. Luckily he managed the hotel and left most of he bar duties to the bartender Robert, whom Sheila actually liked. Only once in a while would she see Mr. Fredricks. Which was still too often for her.

Unfortunately today was not going to be one of those days. Her shift was to start at 1pm today. As the bus pulled up to the corner and dropped her off she pulled her cell phone from her purse and checked the time. 12:59. She was still a block away from the hotel. If she ran she still wasn't going to make it. She put her cell phone back into her purse and broke into a brisk walk. If she was only a few minutes late Robert wouldn't care. He knew that sometimes her bus ran late. Mr. Fredricks usually wasn't in the lobby or the bar so he never saw when she came in or left.

Of course as Sheila was coming into the hotel lobby Mr. Fredricks was there by the front desk talking with a guest.

"Good, he hasn't seen me yet," Sheila thought. She kept her head down willing herself invisible. A few more feet and she'd be safe.

"Mrs. Gibson I do not know when your shift starts today, but I am sure it is not 4 minutes after the hour," Mr. Fredricks said sternly across the lobby.

Sheila slowed her pace and was thinking of pretending she didn't hear him. It was only 4 minutes, he was probably just letting her know that he had seen her come in late and would be keeping an eye on her. He probably already had both eyes on her ass.

"A moment of your time if you don't mind, Mrs. Gibson. Robert has been doing fine so far, so a few more minutes of your tardiness probably won't matter?"

"Shit," Sheila said under her breath, then turned towards Mr. Fredricks.

"Please, accompany me to my office Mrs. Gibson," He said as he held his hand out, suggesting she walk ahead of him.

They both walked down the hall off the lobby to Mr. Fredricks office.
Sheila looked over her shoulder and politely said "I'm sorry sir, the bus ran late today."

She saw her boss hold up a hand which she took to mean keep quiet until in his office. Once inside he closed the door behind him and told her to take a seat. There was a nice stained mahogany desk with a leather chair behind it where Mr. Fredricks would sit. The side closest to the door had two smaller leather chairs. Sheila sat in the first one and crossed her legs.

The door closed and Mr. Fredricks remained standing by it. She couldn't see him. He was putting on some obvious display of power, even though he didn't need to. He was the boss and Sheila couldn't afford to lose the job. Hopefully he'd just stare at her tits and yell at her about how she should make the bus run on time, then let her go.

"Do you want to keep this job, Mrs. Gibson?" He asked, still standing by the door, out of sight.


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