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Sheila went to the corner table and made some small talk with the two old gentlemen. They seemed more interested in talking shop, for whatever business they were into, than talking to her. She flashed a smile or two and got their order and headed back to the bar.

"Hey hun, the suits need two more rounds." Sheila said to Robert as she arrived back at the bar.

Robert smiled at her. She could tell he liked being called hun. Even if it was just a casual greeting. Robert was in his 40's but still attractive. He had light brown hair with light brown eyes to match. He had an athletic build to him (from what Sheila could tell through his bartender clothes). He wore thin wire rimmed glasses. Those paired up with the white dress shirt and bow tie that the hotel made him wear would make most men look a little nerdy, but Robert came off as more of a bad boy stuffed into bad clothing. He was married to a nice lady named Cindy and two small children. Sheila had met Cindy at the Christmas party the hotel put on, but she didn't know much about their kids. Robert wasn't one of those parents that only talked about his kids.

Robert had filled two glasses with beer from one of the taps and set them down for her to take back to the old men.

"Thanks hun." Sheila said, purposely trying to get him to flash his smile at her again. She took the two glasses and headed back to he corner table.

She figured Robert was looking at her ass again. She had caught him enough times to know he did it every chance he got. And she had caught him eying Emily, the other waitress they worked with, many times before. He was never lewd about it. Sheila just thought he was an ass man that wasn't getting any at home. Which, from what she remembered about Cindy, was too bad. Sheila wasn't a lesbian, but she was honest enough to know when another female was good looking.

Once back at the bar Robert told her "You'll need to get some silverware wrapped up in napkins. I'd like to be ahead of the dinner rush tonight. As long as those two guys are good."

"All business today boss?" Sheila flashed him a smile.

Robert handed her a plastic tray that contained the clean silverware and a pile of clean napkins. Sheila took a seat at the bar since there weren't many customers and started folding the silverware into the napkins.

"More like all hungover," Robert frowned. "Was up drinking last night, then fighting with the wife, then drinking more to forget about the fighting. It's a vicious circle really." He smiled a bit, laughing at his own joke.

"Sounds rough. If I remember right from the Christmas party, I'd be doing something other than that with a wife like yours. If I was you of course."

Robert laughed again "Yeah right missy. You and Kyle don't have kids. Cindy and I do. No sex after children. Except maybe after that Christmas party."

Sheila caught Robert steal another glance down the top of her shirt at the mention of the word sex. Feeling like teasing him a little more she leaned forward to give him a slightly better view.
"Well kids or not, Kyle and I aren't really the role model for sexual couples. We've had some fun of course, but after being married for five years we've all but fizzled out."

Robert turned around and took down a bottle. He poured two shot glasses full and turned back, setting one in front of Sheila and holding his up to be toasted.
"Here's to two sexless coworkers then. And hoping my hangover gets better if I can keep this down."

Drinking on the job had never been a big issue. You were allowed to have a drink if a customer bought you one. And she had caught Robert sneaking some in the back office more than once. Sheila took up her shot glass and clinked it against Robert's.
"To sexless couples," she sighed and they both tossed their shots down.

As she handed the shot glass back she saw Robert glance at her tits again. She almost had to feel sorry for the guy. He was obviously still a horn ball for an old guy. Of course then she would have to feel sorry for herself. She was still very sexual, even getting closer to her sexual peak. But her and her husband had all but given up having sex. Sheila's mind started to come up with a mischievous plan. The teasing Robert was fun and a good way to get attention. Now what if she took it a little bit further.

Robert washed the two shot glasses they used and looked up at Sheila. "What's with the shit eating grin?"


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