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The Turning | voiddragon369 | 1


This is the story of how I became half-human half dragon. It all started when I was walking along the street at night. This man in a dark cloak stepped from the dark alleyway asking me to help him. Then another man stepped out of the shadows with a huge sword. He leaped for the man as he flew passed me with speed no human could see. I somehow hit him in the back of the head just as he got passed me. He fell to the ground. I step over his body and picked up his sword and held it to his thought. I asked, "What's your name and what do you want with this old man?"

The man from the shadows looked me in the eyes and said, " Nothing I only hunt him for fun..." and with that a pulled the sword up ward and it cut through his neck like a hot knife through butter. I turned to the old man on the ground and offered him a helping hand up. As the old man stood he dusted himself off and thanked me. As I turned to leave he stopped me and told me that he would give me one wish.

Of cores I thought this old man to be crazy but thought I would play along just to make him happy. I told him that I wished to be a half dragon like from my dreams and he nodded and said "the change will happen over three days." And with that his eyes seemed to glow with a strange light, some kind of odd light blue mist came from the ground and covered his body and was gone. I shrugged it off and looked to where the man from the shadow's body had been. All that was left was a pile of clothes consisting of a long black leather trench coat, the scabbard for the sword, black leather pants and ashes. I thought what the hell and picked up the leather clothes. I looked them over seeing that there was no blood on them I thought how weird and walked home. When I got home I dumped the clothes on the floor and crawled into bed. I woke up the next day and tossed on some clean clothes a t-shirt and some blue jeans. I grabbed the leather clothes from last night and put them into a bag. I went out to look for a place to get them cleaned because I did not know what kind of nasty skin problems that guy had.

As I walked down the street I got a sharp pain in between my shoulder blades but I thought maybe I just slept wrong and kept walking. I found this place that cleaned leather clothes. The lady behind the desk said to come back in an hour or so, so I left to walk around to see what I could find. I thought of selling the sword but something told me to keep it that I might need it later so I walk the streets thinking about what had happened the night before. Another wave of pain hit me so hard that I fell to my knees. People all over were watching me but not doing a thing to help. After the pain passed I stood up looked at my watch. I saw that 45 minutes had passed so I ran back to the cleaners and just made it in the door before they called my number. I took the leather clothes back to my house and sat down to rest after all the pain.

Just as I sat down a different pain in my lower back down to my feet as the bones and muscles from the waist down started to change. I got up and ran/limped my way down into my basement I play in a band so my basement is almost sound proof .as best as I could each step filled with wails of pain. I slammed the door shut and clicked the light on and dropped to the floor in pain as my toes melded together then split into three toes with a long claw on the end of each toe. Then the ball of my foot widened. From the ball of my foot to my heel lathed about a foot or so. And a long talent ripped out of the back of my heel. At the same time my hips cracked and twisted as my tailbone grew longer about 8-9 feet longer as the pain stopped I passed out.

When I first woke up I thought I was in my room and every thing that happened to me was just a dream. When I tried to stand I noted that I was in my basement and that every thing that happened was not just a dream it was real... painfully real. I tried to stand once more and after almost falling over I got the hang of standing on my new feet and slowly walked up the stairs holding onto the handrail so I would not fall. I went to walk through the door and walked right into the door jam. Finding this odd, as I have never hit my head on the door jam before I decided to see how tall I was. I went and got a tape measure to see how tall I stood. I was shocked to find out that I stood 8.5 feet tall now. The day passed by with sharp pains in my chest and through out my body like new organs was growing. After the pains had been gone for an hour or so the time had been 8 at night.

I thought maybe I should water the grass before I went to bed I stepped out side and started to water the grass. When I stumbled on a twig and kicked up a cloud of dirt it drifted up to my nose and mouth. I sneezed fire came roaring out of my mouth. I freaked thinking this had to be a dream when I sneezed again and ice came out this time and as the ice melted it put out the small fire. As I headed up to my room I thought wow this is so cool but what else about me will change. I took off all my clothes but my boxers and hopped into bed. The next day I remembered what the old man said "the change would happen over three days." And this was the last day and the changes to day would most likely be the most painful as there was still allot that had to change. I walked to the kitchen to get some food. I poured up my self-a bowl of "Go Flakes" and set it on the table to get some milk to drink with it. I wolfed it down I was so hungry.

As I was eating my body started to itch but I thought nothing of it. As I washed up my bowl the skin on my hands started to wash off so I left the dirty bowl in the sink as I grabbed a dish cloth from the sink trying not to get blood on the floor I ran up to the bath room. I jumped in the shower as fast as I could not even bothering to try and take off my boxers. I watched in horror as my skin melted from my body and down the drain. I was left with a thin layer of see through scales kind of like a bug that has just molted or what ever you call it. I stepped from the shower and removed my wet blood soaked boxers I looked into the mirror to see that I was covered from head to toe in these scales except for two areas one on my cheats and one around my ground.

These places where covered in a thick leathery skin. As I touched the area on my cheats a sharp pain came from just user the skin. As a huge scale cut its way through my leathery skin to cover that area after that one was done the same thing happened to my groin area also with a pain that felt oddly wonderful as my "tool" grew longer and thicker. As I walked from the bathroom to my bedroom to get dressed I felt a pain in my back. I just kited going when I got to my room. I sat on the bed to fix my new leather pants to fit around my tail. Just as I was done I felt a sharp pain in my back as my wings, when fully opened had a wingspan of 12 feet, burst from it. To my surprise there was no blood from this. I thought now how am I going to fit into my shirts them I remembered seeing a movie with a guy that had wings he had cut the back in to strips. So I did the same to a fairly new black shirt {kind of like a Vampire Hunter D look}.

After I had finally gotten dressed I picked up the long leather coat/cloak I tried it on and found out it too fit me as if I had bought it my self. It reached all the way to the ground to cover my feet. I grabbed a wide brimmed hat to go with the Goth look but more to cover my face in shadows {again it was a Vampire Hunter D look} so no one would see that I was not human any more. On my way to the front door I grabbed my wallet and house keys and then left. I walked down the street with my tail wound loosely around my waist to keep it from view. I walked to theater shop where I had the pants and "coat" cleaned .I asked the man where a leather store was so I could buy more leather clothes .he waved me around back and showed me a room full of leather clothes. I noticed the mans face from the night this all started. I asked him what was happening to me. He just said "you asked for it!" Laughing he told me to pick out as many as I wanted so I picked out four shirts and pants and left.

On my way home I was passing a group of people when the wind picked up and blew my hat off. With out thinking my tail snapped out and grabbed the hat holding on to it. At the same time some people just stood there looking at me and some screamed and ran off. I placed my hat back on my head and ran all the way home. When I got home I removed my hat and "coat". I looked in the mirror only to see that my hair was now bluefish-silver in color and reached the middle of my back. Later that night I found out from watching the news that more than just that group of people saw what I was. The news man had said that who or what ever I was I need not hide that I would not be harmed and some how I knew he was right because if they had tried to harm me I would only end up killing them.


Where do I go from here?


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