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Steph and the City | bbc4lwg | 4


It's only when you get off the bus that you realize that you're in the ghetto. You have never been to a ghetto before, or actually even seen a real life black person before tonight, so the experience was exciting but also scary. As you walk you think about the close call you had on the bus, almost being deflowered by some stranger cramming a big black cock in you! You're as white as they come, and a good church-going girl to boot, but you admit that somehow that mean negro taking control of you, putting his hands all over you felt really hot. Most boys back home are too shy to even talk to you, but this asshole wasn't even going to introduce himself or ask before he fucked you! You think about what he said: that you had a nice body, that he was going to fuck you so hard and so deep you won't be able to walk for a week, and that he was going to plant a black baby in you for sure. Your church says abortion is a sin, so you know that you'd have to carry it to term and be a teen mom to a black baby! You can't believe how amazing that sounds, and that you managed to escape when you did. Then you wonder if all black men are like him, especially in the size of his penis. With a lick of your lips, you decide this weekend might be the perfect time to experiment!
By now you've been walking for a half-hour and are starting to suspect that you are lost. The streets have been deserted and you put your hands on your hips, wondering what to do. Just then a two-door car rumbled around the corner and pulled up in front of you. The driver and passanger seats are occupied by two rough-looking black gangsta types; there is a back seat but you can't see who if anyone is back there. 'You workin' this corner, ho?'
You realize they think you're a prostitute! 'What, no, I'm... I'm a high school cheerleader!' you explain defensively. 'I'm trying to get to the college to see my brother, but I had to get off this bus because I was being molested by this nig...' you trail off, unless your choice of words gets you into more trouble.
'You shouldn't be here, blondie,' he said, either a warning or observation as he opened the door and stepped out, pulling the seat back. 'We gonna give you a ride. What's your name, cheerleader?'
'Stephanie Weiggler,' you tell him, relief in your voice. 'It's so nice to meet a nice black man for once.'
'You should see how nice I'm gonna be to you,' he said as he guides you into the dark back seat. 'Get in and try to enjoy the ride.' As you climb in through the door, he slides a hand under your skirt and gives your butt a good shove, but somehow his fingers were caught in your thong and they rip as you stumble into the darkness...


Who or what is waiting for lil Stephanie?

          A reintroduction


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