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The Fall of Athenapolis | kiahoga | 24


Perched at the stairs, you see a pretty blonde, clad in a white shift that did nothing to hide the pleasing outline of her body from your gaze. You surmise that this is the remaining sister, Cassiopeia and order “Don’t try to run, you have nowhere to go. Your city has fallen.”

At your order, you see her deep blue eyes go wide, apparently freezing her in place. Seeing that Adrianna and Marcus had the twins well in hand you order, “Antonius, Retrieve our weapons and shields so were not disturbed while I take measure of our plunder.”

“Yes Captain” Your man answers, heading out to the street.

You look over at the third woman still huddled against the wall next to the stairs, and point at one of the couches. “As long as you don’t run or get hysterical, you may for now sit on the couch near the fire. Am I clear.” You state.

The blonde nods weakly and quickly moves to the chair not looking at you, she sits down in her shift trying to cover as much of her body as possible.

Antonius reenters the hidden apartment carrying your discarded weapons and shields.

Offering your hand to Adrianna she curls her fingers into yours, and stepping close you give her a quick kiss. “As much as I like looking at you this way my dear, I fear you must go retrieve your clothing..” you whisper against her lips.

“If you insist, master.” Adrianna coyly pouts. Heading for the entrance, she pauses at the door she gives you a heated look her shoulder. Then taking two more steps she leans down, taking her time, to get her things making sure to give you a good look at her shapely rear end. Adrianna retrieves her discarded clothing and, still nude, lays back on one of the other couches a hungry smile playing about her lips.

Pulling a chair from the table you sit down and study the three siblings. All of them were silent since Adrianna had subdued Phaedra, and you could see sullen anger, fear, apprehension, and if you were not mistaken, even some acceptance in their varied countenances.

“I am Captain Caderos of Heliopolis, and before you say any more, I will tell you this. I care not who you are or were, from now on you are spoils of war. I’m sure you know this already, but it has been decreed that all of you will be sold as slaves from the auction block of Heliopolis.”

At that the other twin, Phaedra gives a snort of derision. Ignoring her you continue on calmly.

“For now, until your turned over to the slavers you belong to my company and will serve how we please. So I’d advise you to be sensible and you’ll find your new lot easier.” you finish.

“Bastard ! Do you expect me to serve you like that low born slut you brought with you.” Phaedra spits venomously.

You nod, and Marcus jabs the butt of his spear into her side causing her to gasp in pain.

“If you cannot speak in a civilized tone you’ll keep your mouth shut, understand?” You ask sharply.

When Phaedra says nothing, Marcus jabs her with the spear “The Captain asked you a question, bitch.” he growls.

“Yes, Athena damn you.” She groans in pain.

Looking at the other twin she nods prudently keeping her mouth shut.

“What about me?” The brother asks weakly, having gotten control of himself.

“You would be Anatole, correct?“ You ask, and the boy nods.

“Well, like every other pathetic noblemen in this city you didn’t stand on the walls. Nor did you assault a member of the invading army, which may be because I didn’t give you the chance. So unlike your sisters, you are free to go, and being generous you can have the clothes on your back but everything else in the apartment belongs to my company now.” You finish.

Disbelievingly, Adrianna blurts “Master, you're going to just let him go.”

Nodding you explain “But of course Love, but who else to gather the funds to buy his sisters from the block” You answer, upon which you and your men all laugh.

“So unless you want to spend some time with Marcus lad, I think it’s time to go.” You finish.

Marcus leers at the young man who rises quickly and makes for the door looking glad to have his skin intact.

Finding her voice Pelagia cries “Coward!” after her brother's retreating form.

Looking at the nude woman you nod in agreement “and that’s why your city has fallen, no backbone.”

After the boy leaves you order your men to go downstairs and look for valuables leaving you alone with the women.

“Strip.” You order, looking at the blonde.

Cassiopeia meekly stands and silently begins to draw he shift up and over her head. Her body is every bit as lovely as her sisters, after discarding the shift unconsciously tries to cover herself. This has the unintended effect of stoking your lust causing your cock to harden.

“Leave her alone, she was set be a priestess you bastard. If you have to Fuck someone Fuck me.” Pelagia demands, seeing the interest in your gaze.

“I'll give her the same respect that your city gave to Amara; who in addition to being the daughter of a high priestess was a priestess herself.” You reply savagely.

“No Sister” You hear Cassiopeia speak for the first time “If the captain chooses me, it is the will of the fates, and it's our hubris that brought us to this.” She finishes, with dignity.

Disciplining herself, Cassiopeia drops her hands to her side no longer covering herself. Her lithe form is exquisit; her waist is slender and her small tear-shaped beasts hang like succulent fruit waiting to be plucked.

“But sister I just had my.” Pelagia starts, and Cassiopeia just shakes her head.

“Pel, if Athena wills it that I carry the babe of an invader then so be it.” Cassiopiea says determinedly.

Once again you wonder at the women of this city who seem to have more spirit then the men. You eye Phaedra with distaste. You're troubled by what Adrianna had to say during their fight and although she looks as beautiful as her dark haired twin you feel no desire for her. Pelagia though, she may be a slut and bitch but she has spirit and thinking back to the scene at the door you have a vision of Adrianna riding her face while you slide your cock deep into… still, there is something about Cassiopeia's golden form that stokes your lust even though it would be wise to leave her untouched.


Who to Fuck?

          Start with Pelagia

          You find Cassiopeia irrisistable


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