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Bodyswap | slutnutz | 5


As you look at the phone, making sure its off, you try the handle again, twisting the handle, and tugging on the door. "Shit .. Shit shit shit shit" you swear out loud to no one particular. You look through the window into the house, not sure what to look for.

The cool breeze gives you goosebumps as you stand outside. It's then you remember the key at your front door, inside the meter box, but you would have to walk and climb around the side of the house to the front and make your way to the front door.

Your properly has no coverage once you pass the side gate. Your parents were doing some landscaping and they had started on the front, cleared out everything before the landscapers come by... Wait.... weren't the landscapers coming by today as well.... shit ....

You put the phone back on the table and tip toe around to the side of the house. Over some shrubs, past the garbage bins, then up to the gate. You glance down at your body again; being naked felt like you were normal again, but again it shows that you're in your sisters body.

You edge open the gate, and stick your head out. You can hear some traffic off in the distance but all was quiet. You check the houses on the other side of the road too. No cars in driveways, front windows open.

You take a swallow of air before dashing out the gate and leaping over the front foot path and up to the door. You knock your foot on the step, the pain shooting your your body. You lean down and grab the foot in your hand, "Ow Ow Ow Ow" you say as you rock back and forth, forgetting your current condition.

Its then you notice a van pulling up labeled "Joe's Locksmith Co". 'Oh crap' you think, 'Gotta get inside'. You stand up again, and twitch as you stand on your sore toe, you reach up on top of the meter box feel around for the key.

Does 'Joe' see you, is there key there, was the key moved, do you bail at getting inside the house and hide or ...?


What happens next?



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