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Travels of a Half-Elf. | LWeibull2 | 4


Selan admired the ruby for a while, held it up against the sky and studied the sunlight shine trough it's prism. Yes, it was a valuble gem no doubt, and the mysterious woman would surely want it back. Who knew, perhaps she would offer him a reward for it, and her mysterious apperance was teasing his curiosity. And well, her monumental breasts probably played their part too.

Selan decided to go look for her.

But where? Well, the locals certainly didn't dress in that manner so she couldn't be one of the villagers. Selan decided that he probably had his best chances of finding her at the The Quarryman's Rest, the local inn. That's where most far away strangers stayed during their visits. Selan steered his course and made the short walk to the inn.

He entered the tavern as quiet as he could. Selan wouldn't normally come here since he more often than not would get harrassed by drunken locals. But he slipped in unnoticed and had a look around. 'The Quarryman' didn't have too many patrons at this hour, just a few groups scattered around the room. No sign of the purple lady though, but maybe some of the guests knew her whereabouts.

He couldn't really go up and ask, but one of his traits inherited from the elven side of his family was his enhanced hearing. He could evesdrop better than any human. Selan pricked up his pointy ears and listened carefully for clues.

"... did you see the fuckin' tits on that highborn bitch that recently came into town?" a burly voice said.

"... yup, sure did... I've heard that she rented the suite here at the inn. I wouldn't mind going upstairs and having me a bite of them juicy peaches, muahahaha!" another voice replied.

That's all Selan needed to hear. He snuck up the stairs and headed for the last and slighty bigger door at the end of a small corridor of rooms.

He knocked and after a while a purple and very curvy figure opened.

"I told you I do not wish to be disturbed!" she said angrily.

Selan stared at her, dumbfounded. Her face was stunning... as well as very angry. Her pale features were delicate and noble and perfectly framed by flowing blonde hair. Her beautiful and large blue eyes studied him with contempt and her red full lips puckered with discontent.

"I'm the one you knocked over earlier... in the street," said Selan.

"Well, halfbreed, so what?" she replied. "You should be careful where you're going next time. Now leave!"

Her haughtiness annoyed Selan. He had planned to just give her the ruby, but it was clear that some bargaining was required. He entered the rather spacious room, closed the door behind him and looked around.

"It so happens that have have something that you might be interested in," he said and reached into his pocket.

"Really? What in the gods' name could you possess that I would want," the woman laughed.

Selan fished the shiny red gem from his pocket and held it up. The woman's eyes widened with bewilderment.

"Where did you get that!? Give it to me, immediately!" she yelled and reached for it. But Selan quickly pulled the ruby out of her reach and fended her off.

"Not so fast," he said. "I believe I'm entitled to a finder's fee."

"That would have to be a modest one," the woman said. "I have little gold to spare."

Selan moved his gaze down from her face, fixing it on her two ample mounds heaving and straining under her dress. He stood there gawking for a moment.

"Hey! What are you looking at," snapped the lady.

"My finder's fee I believe," said the grinning Selan.


What happens next?

          Selan claims his reward


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