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Travels of a Half-Elf. | moonblack | 3


Selan took a look at the sky and determined that noon was at least an hour away. He decided to have a look around town before going to get the Bitter Root. It was such a pleasant, sunny day, so why ruin it by facing Old Sam right away? Besides, it had been a few weeks since his last visit to Greyrock. Maybe some new stores had opened up, such as another store where he could buy Bitter Root and thus completely avoid Old Sam…

“Yeah, right – like that could happen…” The young half-elf muttered to himself as he began exploring the town.

For the next half hour Selan walked around town without seeing anything new. During that time many women shot him lust-filled looks and many men shot him anger-filled ones. Much to his relief no woman tried to seduce him and no men tried to beat him up. Then, just as Selan was looking to his right, a person came out of a narrow alleyway on his left and collided with him, making him lose his balance and fall down on the street.

“Ugh! What the…?” Selan looked at the other person – who had also fallen down – and saw that it was a woman wearing a purple cloak and a purple dress that strained to contain her enormous tits – each one was bigger than Selan’s head.

“My apologies – I wasn’t paying attention.” The woman said as she quickly got up and continued on her way, not waiting for an answer from Selan. He looked after her for a few seconds in stunned silence, then shrugged and got up as well.

Just as he was about to resume walking he noticed something red on the ground, near where the woman had fallen down. He picked it up and examined it, and gasped in surprise – it was a ruby the size of his eye! Even for him it was obvious that the gem was quite valuable. Definitely not something one would expect to find lying on ground in Greyrock.

“The woman must have dropped it when she fell down. Maybe I should return it…” That’s when Selan realized he had no idea what the woman looked like – he had been so busy staring at her breasts he had not even once looked at her face. Then again, he didn’t really need to know her face – how many women had such an amazing rack and wore both a purple cloak and a purple dress? Selan was willing to bet he had just met the only such woman in the entire town of Greyrock. The real problem was catching up to the woman, as she was now out of his sight, and he knew only the direction she had been heading in. Asking random people if they had seen the woman would likely end up attracting the Bloodcliff guards, and even though they had been sent to Greyrock from Bloodcliff to protect the small town, many of them would happily accuse him of having stolen the ruby just so they could have an excuse to beat him up.

Then again, why return it at all? Why care about some rude woman that had not even bothered to make sure the person she just collided with was alright? The ruby was obviously valuable, so why not keep it and sell it later? He and his mother could use the money…

[Contains notes]


What does Selan decide to do?

          He finds the busty lady in purple

          Selan goes looking for the woman


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