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Tame or Wild? Princess Leia, Female Rebel | bungakawa2000 | 2


*** Data collected and verified by Pharan Asclep, First Assistant to Pharanamon, Lead Historian at the Alderaan Memorial Institute on Tatooine.

Foreword: "Princess Leia's stern resistance to the Empire's interrogators is legend. It is well known that the only way the Empire made her speak was by threatening her home world, Alderaan. Though she has been exposed to it a few times in her life, conventional torture has never been enough to make her talk. How could a threat, especially a threat relying on a revolutionary weapon that had never been seen in action before, would suffice to make her talk, even to purposefully give false information? Certainly, something else must have contributed to bend her will. Thankfully, a security video from her interrogation room, shipped out of the first Death Star shortly before its destruction and introduced on the pornography black market, proves the assumption that other, more surprising means were used to weaken her mental strength prior to threatening Alderaan. It makes no doubt to me that this video is authentic, despite officials' - and Princess Leia's own - denials." Signed, P.A. ***

Her fingertips were starting to hurt, but Princess Leia's face showed no sign of suffering nor turmoil. She had been standing alone in that room for a long time - well over an hour, as far as she could guess. Her hands were handcuffed to the wall a little over her head, low enough to let her stand without stretching but still too high to let her rest on her knees. Yet she kept her head high; after all, being forced to stand up for long periods of time in uncomfortable positions was nothing new for a woman of the aristocracy. Ceremonies, official dinners, the all important decorum certainly had helped teach her to remain stoic in every situation, no matter how fervently she wished to found herself elsewhere.

At least, her capture had left her unscathed so far. Her legs were still a little wobbly from that paralysing ray, of course, but she was glad nothing worse had happened. She had had a brief moment of panic when the Empire soldiers picked her up, unable to move nor speak but still perfectly conscious. She feared they would abuse her in a way or the other but that was underestimating the Troopers' discipline: they didn't even grope at the breast that slipped out of her robe in her fall. Of course, they didn't hide it either and as she stared at the black walls of her cell, she wondered if there were any cameras currently recording her indecent situation.

A metallic clank broke the silence and part of the wall facing her shifted aside. A large and dark silhouette stepped through the embrasure and into her cell. A sense of dread fell upon her when she recognized the robotic breathing of the Dark Lord Darth Vader, but again her face showed no other emotion than courage and resolution. She straightened herself with dignity.

He stopped in the middle of the small circular room. For long seconds, he stood there, immobile and silent but for his mechanic inspirations. Leia forced herself to look resiliently into the grotesque and pitch black eyes of his helmet.

Finally, his voice rang, menacing and unworldly: "I believe you've had plenty of time to make up your mind, Princess.
-Perhaps you could tell me, she answered defiantly, how the time I spent here should have made the Empire look better in my eyes?"

But Vader ignored the question and, without a gesture, continued: "It is not in the Emperor's habits to keep prisoners that have outlived their utility. Thankfully, Princess, we expect you to prove more useful than even you would expect." He paused for a second to let his words sink in. "You know the answers to many questions vital for the Empire. You will provide us with these answers, of course, but will it be your good will or not?
-How dare you assume you will get what you want from me? It seems you have too little faith in my strength or too much in yours, Lord Vader. Besides, the Alderaan government will not let my abduction go unchecked."

The dark figure lowered his head slowly, till Leia could not tell for sure if her chest or her face was the object of his gaze. "Yes, your will is strong, he said. You view yourself as a Princess and a Leader, and rightfully so. This gives you strength indeed." He paused, menacing. "But will can be weaken and pride shattered."

Though shaken by Vader's assurance, Leia refused again to break eye contact and she remained apparently unaffected by his thinly veiled menaces.

The tall warrior took a step back. He outstretched his right hand in front of him, palm towards his captive, and bent his fingers. She dared not take her eyes off him but Leia felt as if small hooks bite into the garments just over her left hip. Suddenly, Vader made a ripping motion, closing his fist as he brought it near his left shoulder. Leia's robe was torn apart from the waist up; fragments of white fabric were sent flying in the air. "You will talk, Princess." said Vader as he turned around and stepped out of the cell. Leia bit her tongue, half-naked and shocked at this demonstration.

The Sith Lord stopped just out of the small room and turned towards the proud woman again. He seemed to meditate for a moment, perhaps admiring the generous but delicate curves of her upper body. Speaking to a man she could not see, he said: "If she talks, fetch me at once. In the meantime..."


In the meantime... ?

          "Milk her like a cow."

          "Entertain our guest."


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