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Amazon Women | tulipinherhair | 18 = celeb eve story
= crocs2 v good celeb action story
if u press prev b4 it is mean court room action this one just lists all the celebs, no action

Story Idea) SmotherDay – let the casual cheerleader teens consentually killing lots of useless teen boys marked with an X as expendable in a gym link ( it’s somewhere on valky, I forgot where – hang on, I think I’ve found it. I love this one! or Mike’s other great, I love this! ) inspire something new and better – if you are more into fights rather than smothering/facesitting, then please do a fights only version of this ADD NEW LINK IN: charmed world with sh doh in it smothering
my smother story new mini continuation = hookers & rape vic take out the trash

Ideas for July/Aug 2011
You asked for some ideas for future stories .... here’s some that I’d LOVE you to tackle. I’m hoping you’ll choose some of these as your projects for July, August, September & beyond.

Story Idea) Hen Party sequel as mismatches where little weak helpless boys face girls they have no chance against and dozens of them are taken down in swift succession. Only 1 or 2 of the larger, meaner men ever get any moves in at all – these are moves where they kind of hold or grip their opponent (I will not let any girl get hit, even in a fictional story). Out of concern for the woman’s well-being, other girls intervene with a kick to the nuts that helps the girl escape the hold, take the upper hand and soon finish the male off, then humiliating him with a worn panty in the mouth when he is down and almost KO while his head is squeezed between the thighs of another girl lying down.

You could say that all the males in this or another story are the scum of the earth, wife beaters, paedophiles, abusive boyfriends, etc and that the girls have spent the whole week rounding these scumbags up. They are taken down with one kick to the face and as they lie there the girls climb on top of them and repeatedly punch their face until KO (+ broken jaw is also achieved quite often).
A sanctioned guiness book of world records attempt could be made to see if more scumbags in 1 hour can be KO’d than ever before. And every week this mark is raised by 1 (112, 113, 114, ….) collecting the prize money of breaking the record + attracting more female participants and more donated scumbags each time. Maybe half must be punched out perhaps and the other half are trampled on while also kicked in the face till KO.

Story Idea) fair ground games including the popular dunking chamber (in which even if the punter misses the target with three throws, the hostess still winks, smiles and pushes the throw your balls here target over, thus making the newest male to sit on the chair ALSO slide off the vanishing folding away chair into the chamber of doom below (behind the see-through plexiglass where 5 mega babes are waiting to punch his teeth in), every time, yes let’s see 42 men go in one by one and get wrecked by the much loved muscle dame fisty babes) and other games taken from this link: …
I have some more one-sided take down games ideas, such as … I have these somewhere. Please reply if you would like me to find these.
And the males are given more and more penalties (see link for explanation )

Here is a related link … please let me know if you find or write any more. this is not the link I was looking for, which had the test of strength with the hammer – wimp, move a little to the right. Perfect. WHAM! Face reduced to mulch + had a brief mention of the other punching games at the end of it, not found for now)

Story Idea) nerd (or crooks or scumbag) round up and young women’s self-defence class, which turns into a groin kicks and punching frenzy (let me know if you want to seemy link from chyoo relating to an attempt I and Lilguy have made at writing this one)

Story Idea) a TV game show originally called “How much does he/she love you?” has evolved to a new format “Take, this, you rotten creep!” in which girls put their exs through a world of hurt and make some of the largest women in the world sit on their faces with poo-dirty bottoms (or other games)

Story Idea) ball busting tournament like in see this link …. (do an inspired by it, homage sequel story of it) (well worth reading, especially the way exs are brought in and busted by the celeb babes approxly. before the semi-finals

Story idea) Paris Hilton is so rich that she and her 27 closest friends can have their own dedicated males to demolish every time they feel like some boxing and kicking practice. In fact, they can use them up and get new ones for next time, leaving a pile of broken boys under their victorious posing celebrating deadly feet every time. So much potential for this story line.

Story Idea) rape victims’ revenge (with hookers revenge also part of it) … as in this link, let it inspire you ….

Story Idea) tennis star GTS – the babes, Anna Kournikova, Maria Sharapova, …. Use a shrink ray to shrink all the lines men and ball boys to the size of their little finger and have lots of fun stepping on the ones who try to run away and putting most of them in their under pants and sitting down on them to squish them, others go in the shoe before her foot slips back into it, or into the vagina or ass hole face first or under a turd that is placed on top of them as they lie down in a chips tray or empty ice cream tub only to be squashed under something very feminine (tampon, turd, magazine, their hair, tits, lipstick, …...)

Story Idea) Let the ‘let’s kill 10 each for fun’ Hamlet stories on valky inspire you/us to write a story in which hunters are beaten up by a bunch of hippy girls called Rainbow, Bambi, Bunny, Heather, Poppy, Angel, Bliss, Serenity. Male hunters on the hunt for venison and fisher men in the forest are overrun by these hippy girls, who beat them up and cripple them to protect the wild animals.

Story Idea) DMaynard’s Sistas as an influence : the men are in the compound. Every day, several of the men, including the ones who tried to escape are publicly executed in a line-up of all men in the compound, and every day the number of remaining men goes down while the number of female staff/guards goes up and each new female gets a welcoming present of being allowed to kill 2 males while all are lined up to watch (sometimes crushing one between her legs, the other between her butt cheeks), showing off what she can do and why she is not to be disobeyed. and neighboring sistas links

Story Idea) story lines from are used and augmented to greater detail and to a larger number of males being beaten down + the added bits also where the men wake up, in a leg lock, their face is between a girl’s this and she closes one upper leg in around his neck to welcome him to awakeness ad to his new life as her slave

Story Idea) SmotherDay – let the casual cheerleader teens consentually killing lots of useless teen boys marked with an X as expendable in a gym link (sophie, it’s somewhere on valky, I forgot where – hang on, I think I’ve found it. I love this one! or Mike’s other great, I love this! ) inspire something new and better – if you are more into fights rather than smothering/facesitting, then please do a fights only version of this

Story Idea) cheer leaders show the boys how it’s done, with no padding or helmets, just a good beating that takes down the entire gridiron American football team. A very one-sided game is played, resulting in a 416 to 0 score line and lots of completely broken men
Story idea) a group of 10-20 bikini babes arrive in Saudi Arabia and dismantle all the sexist police men, politicians, take the entire govt down and replace it with their own set of rules, in which men are the victimised instead (not permitted to own property or have office jobs), and in which all men must attend and be beaten up in a public beating once every week (or daily if they have broken any rule recently). The ladies later have lots of fun taking down each and every male in an anti-femdom/enslavement demonstration march.
Story Idea) Xena gets all the girls in on the fun (see link )
and the male goons do not stand a chance against any of the girls any longer, as they are taken out with little effort and much fun by the princesses and gals

Story Idea) ladies with very large bottoms fight skinny males in the ring, easily take them down as the crowd cheers with knees to the groin and sits on them - facesitting finale. Different possible angles such as this link …(Royal Rumble, below), possibly teams of one little girl and one big girl versus 3m, or a 4 big girls against 4 hopelessly skinny little men match ends with all men sat on at once, followed by another and then more. = BBW link
goes with this
but these last ones might not be your thing

Story Idea) A group of bows and arrows girls (Amazons) beats lots of last chance males,
Having previously raided all the male settlements over and over and depleting most of them of any remaining males, the last males left have gathered into 2 last settlements, one is a pacifist settlement that does not seek a fight (which is also overrun and all the males are captured and taken away as sex slaves, left, a town of unarmed untrained skinny pacifists) and the other decides it must attempt to capture an easy-to-hold castle if it is to survive. But this attack on the castle is a catastrophe for them, and all of them either die in the battle or get captured and turned into sex slaves too.
The last free ones left decide (based on poor intel originating from the girls in the castle themselves = a trap) to try to storm this castle, but it is hopeless for them and they all die or get caught without even harming one hair on the heads of the girls defending the castle, many of whom get the chance to show off their hand to hand and knee to groin combat skills with 100% success ... ... . Many die as they approach, having no shields and are thus easily felled by the girls arrows. Then many more get arrowed while trying to battering ram fake entrances of ultrathick stone wall with a fake wooden gate in front of it. The few who get in all get covered in mountains of newspapers that are released in such amounts that the men find themselves beaten, lying under the pile of newspapers, captured.

Story Idea) Male slaves are used for cheap rental sessions for girls keen to practice their punching, kicking skills. A very long queue of girls standing in line to be next watches as the gals at the front of the queue begin to wreck their targets and are given extra time to continue this for free by the generous hostess

Story Idea)boys are chased by teams of girls (see link for inspiration) until all 9 males (let’s expand this to 9 from the original 1) are caught and captured

Story Idea) let my spell bound by celebs story inspire you (link to crocs) and it has the link to crocs 01 at its top

Story Idea) an all girls school full of lusty horny girls plays host to four males, an electrician, a plumber, a window cleaner and an auditor. All 4 are overrun/ravaged by hordes/tsunamis of horny girls who take them down, sit on them, tear their clothes to shreds, and make them pleasure the girls with their tongue, etc.

Story Idea) one card poker. The female dealer ensures that the males always lose, so they never get their kiss and they get kicks in the balls and punches every time instead

Story Idea) The Murdoch press has just taken over the last few remaining independent newspapers and replaced them with a dumbed down non-factual news paper full of pictures of girls in their under wear, especially on the front. The girls have assembled in anger, and decide to shove all the newspapers down the clothes of the men who work in the printers and also the ones who deliver them to the shops. So none of the newspapers ever make it to the shops, they all end up in piles all over these poor beaten target men.
Story Idea) A huge super market like Tesco or WalMart is opening a new supermarket in a town centre which will wipe out all the little shops. The ladies who work at these little shops, manicurists, hair dressers, green grocers, etc. take out the unwanted newcomers and stuff them all in a vehicle that is dropping off new slaves to a fem dom and hand kicks palace. The ladies’ businesses are saved.

Story Idea) Maria’s little sister Svetlana Sharapova and her friends are in Mexico on holiday. When a mafia gang of robbers tries to rob them in a dark alley, the signal is given “raw meat” and all 14 thugs are simultaneously kicked in the balls, and the demise of these goons is very near. The girls are unharmed and the guys end up with broken faces and dumped in a heap at the local police station. Alternatively, the setting of this story might be an aerobics class where the girls are dressed sexy and ready for action, a gymnastics competition, or a pole dancers club. If strippers, the girls might be angry at having been given no tips at all in 2 hrs and decide to KO all the losers who had been staring at them for free. They find that after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd male are KO’d lots of tips are forthcoming after all, but not so much more after the 4th, 5th, 6th 7th and 8th KO, which is lots of fun.
Story idea) female foreign workers from Eastern Europe have been getting all the jobs, as they are better educated, more beautiful, stronger and more efficient than the domestic male workforce. There is a showdown, but the males end up wishing they had not picked a fight with these babes. Though all of them are saved from poverty by being turned into their servants, slaves, assistants and boyfriends, but they will bleed and be humiliated.

Idea) simple wrestling ring stories such as these or

My own preference is with white young long-haired females only being used in these stories (not Chinese), but other people of course love it. Therefore I suggest that race is not mentioned in our stories, when describing the girls. I have lists of names I like to see used – ask if you want to have this list.

Extra spare links to things I have written , (and not just page 1 on these) and


more good links please


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