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Deep Space: Rescue | ZombieToph | 5


... east. There's little light down that hall, but your headlamp shone brightly against the floor and walls and it was enough to see at least a few feet ahead.

Unlike the rest of your team, who have all been on missions to deep space before, this is your first time on an E-class, and you honestly have no idea where you're going. After a short rise the hall opens up to a vast space - thankfully there are some working lights and you can see you're in some kind of cargo dock, possibly a hub where they move equipment throughout the station.

A low, gurgling sound rivets your attention to a dark corner about ten feet away. Pistol in hand and aimed, you activate your headlamp.

Its a woman.

Her skin is an alarming pale white, almost as if she had been frozen then revived, and she can't be older than eighteen - her petite body naked in the cold air, couched and looking away from you, head bobbing up and down slightly.

Stepping closer you speak softly, "Hello, miss? ... Miss, are you alright?"

She looks around and you step back in surprise - she's gripping an almost two-foot long, thick penis which you could now see stretching from just above her labia; her entire body, from head to toe, is covered with excessive amounts of cum, her cockhead throbbed and another glob slid out.

The hermaphrodite girl screamed and ran at you, her monstrously long erection swinging between her petite legs - you fire your gun!

The bullet hits her shoulder and she stumbles for a moment - you fire again, blood begins to trickle down from just below her left breast. She falls to her knees, looking up at you with eyes full of longing and animal lust; she collapses to the floor, dead.

Looking down at her crumpled form you try to fight off feelings of guilt and remorse, "She was mindless. An animal..."

But, as you slowly walk away, you can't deny that killing that young girl put a tear in your soul - and there was every reason to believe you'd have to do it again.

Your com-unit crackles with static and Elara's gruff voice rings through, ", can you hear me?"

"Yes, Elara, go ahead."

She sounded weak, ", finally, we've been trying to contact you for awhile now. Alright, we've found an unlocked Secu-Rom Scanner, turn on your suit's locator and we can guide you to the train!"

"... Good, I can see you signal on the screen now. Okay, you're already heading in the right direction. Head south and you'll find a maintenance door to a train control station - you'll need to reactivate the system, its not responding and you'll have no way to get to us if you can't get on a train. I'll send the Holo-Trail to your DSUS."

A faint, blue line appeared along the floor in front of you - a holographic image in your helmet's view screen.

"Roger, Elara, I'll get the system working again and meet you at 35A."

The com-line cuts off.

Feeling motivated you make your way south, following the Holo-Trail as it snaked around fallen rubble and several dead bodies. After several minutes of walking you come to a seal door - flashing above it are the words 'Card Access Only'.

"God damn it," you swear, unable to hack the module. You can either search for a usable card, perhaps on a dead body, or try to find another way.


What do you do?


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