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You are a little confused by what had just happened and you decide to check on Buster. After fucking you the goo had run off in shame. But it couldn't get over the garden walls so you found it scratching at it violently.
"Buster?" You say cautiously. The goo turns to face you, he can faintly smell his seed on you still and this reminds him of his actions as well as increasing his urge to mate. In shame and lust he loses control again but this time it causes him to slip out of shape.
You stare horrified as your dog turns green and morphs into a pile of goo. You scream and fall back in terror. The goo, now in it's own form, is in full control and sees you scrambling backwards. It realizes what you are seeing. It has no wish to be captured because a woman called the police. It searches for a shape it has already taken that might calm you. In a hurry it chooses a horse as it believes horses are loved by girls. You stop screaming and stare again as a large stallion is morphed in front of your eyes. At this point you are too scared to scream or move.
The goo curses as it remembers too late that it can't control the horse. The horse brain takes over.


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