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As you pour out the food the dog brain of your new Buster starts to take over. The goo can't fight off primal instincts. His Long, thick doggy dick protrudes from it's shaft as the smell of your horny body washes over the sensitive dog nose. You hear a sniff and jump slightly as Buster licks your tight asshole with his long tongue. You start to stand up but the strong dog pushes you down on all fours and mounts you. The goos eyes are glazed over as it stabs wildly in a frenzy trying to skewer you.
"Eeek, Buster down. Bad boy. Down Buster."
The goo ignores you as you struggle fruitlessly underneath it. You gasp as the dog prick reaches its target. You freeze in shock. Buster in one thrust impales you to his knot, you feel it behind. It feels about the size of a tennis ball. In fact it is much bigger.
"There's no way that's going i..." Your train of thought is cut short by Buster. He thrusts in again and again. You start to struggle but only halfheartedly because part of you, the horny part, loves this. You start to moan as the dog butt fucks you.
"Oh.. Harder, harder..... " You start to buck back to meet his thrusts. Moaning and groaning loudly. With each thrust the knot pushes slightly deeper into you before pulling out. In a frenzy you yelp loudly and push back so hard to knot disperses into your bowels. Your eyes snap wide, your ass tenses, you scream in pain and your dick spurts long streams of cum into the dog food bowl. Buster holds still filling your stomach with his seed, you look down between your tits and see it buldge slightly.
"Oh god... what have I done." You wonder in horror. Buster turns around, still stuck to you. He tugs a bit sending bolts of pain and pleasure up your spin. And so you stay, stuck with strings of cum dripping from your dick and more swirling in your stomach.


What next?

          Goo runs away.


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