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Tame or Wild? Princess Leia, Female Rebel | bungakawa2000 | 1


To our readers,

What is History? As most would define it, History is the re-telling of what has been. We must agree that this definition is a good one, although not encompassing all the subtleties of this science.

But in this very definition is embedded a 'flaw'. By the time you read this sentence, so many events with potential historic signification happen all across the New Republic that they could not all be recorded, even if we devoted each and every of our computers to that task. Therefore, as we 're'-tell History, choices must be made. Some events must be discarded as not significant enough; others must be emphasized in order to be thoroughly understood.

This time, we have strived to provide our readers with a different, original, perhaps shocking but certainly enriching point of view. We could have 're'-told the Wars of the Black Star in a conventional, politically-centred way. Instead, we have decided to walk in the steps of one of the predominant political figure of our times: Leia Organa Solo.

But why pick such a controversial subject as her most intimate misadventures, the numerous occasions where she found her charms to be an asset... and sometimes a handicap? Partly because in time of war, information is a powerful weapon; so powerful in fact that, years after such a terrible struggle as the one that opposed the Rebels and the Empire, it is still hard even for the most skilled team of historians to tell apart History, Rebel propaganda and Imperial propaganda. Even today, it is impossible despite extenuous researches to ascertain the historical exactitude of all the events related here. When the details concerning a specific event were unclear, we went on with the most believable alternative and never let any other interest guide our choices. This must not be seen as a sign of disrespect towards one of the greatest heroine of our world but as a sign of respect towards History.

Because of the incomplete nature of historic data, its anecdotic state, unconventional subject and audacious 're'-telling of History, we felt no shame to present this book, "Tame or Wild? Princess Leia, Female Rebel", as a collection of short stories rather than a raw and sometimes intimidating collection of pure historical facts. We wish that our passionate work and the skill of our writers will help bring alive the darker side of what is now known at the Star Wars. We hope our readers will be as surprised and fascinated as us to discover how the respectable Leia Organa Solo's charms influenced the making of the New Republic as we know it.

The Tatooine Historical Association


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          Leia's first abduction - The Interrogation Room

          A night on Hoth - The Game


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