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Melancthe the Apprentice | bluebeak | 6


“Listen, Ghish, when you come and meet me in my room, its vitally important that you bring me one of Kohorn’s wands. And you mustn’t mention any of this to him, do you understand? He was clear that he didn’t want anything to distract him before the spell was cast!”

The imp considered this, dubiously. Giving Melancthe one of his wands sounded like exactly the sort of thing that Kohorn WOULD want to know about! But then again, it made sense that Kohorn wouldn’t want to be distracted before casting his spell - he clearly been concentrating on it very hard for a very long time, and had said countless time that any mistakes might be fatal.

Finally, it said, “Well, I guess that would be ok,” and with a little flutter of wings disappeared out of the library. 

Melancthe made her way back to her room as quickly as she could do, her heart pounding. When she got there the bell rang again, booming through the corridors. A few moments later, the imp appeared once more.

“Well, I couldn’t get you any wands - he’s got them all locked up in a big, oak chest, and I couldn’t open it.” Said Ghish, glumly. Then the little imp’s face brightened. “But I did get you this!” And it brandished a small, copper ring at her.

Melancthe’s face fell. She was doomed! 

“No, no, its good!” Said the imp, indignantly. “You put it on, and you say the magic words, and a bolt of pure force shoots out - fazzaaar!! Its really powerful. Knock a man out cold. Kohorn had left it in one of the pockets of his old robes.”

Melancthe took the ring and turned it over in her hands. It didn’t look like much. “What are the magic words?”

The imp whispered in her ear. “Feina Musta Barosa.”

“Feina Musta...” Repeated Melancthe, until the imp pinched her.

“No no, silly! You will set it off. And you only get one use. One time only deal. Well, until tomorrow in any case - it recharges in moonlight. Now come on! We’re going to be late. Well, later. You know, if Kelhorn turns me into a horse-radish for this I’m going to be really miffed with you? Come on!”

So saying, the imp took off down the corridor in the direction of the experiment room.


What does she do now?

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