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Deep Space: Rescue | ZombieToph | 4


Reacting quickly, you grab your own electron-blade and slash at the squirming tentacle - it is difficult to hit, but just as you are pulled up to the door to the security room you manage to slice it through.

Taking care not to step in the strong smelling, thick black liquid the severed tentacle was spewing onto the floor, you raced into the room ahead to look for your team... they're gone.

Pressing the communicator on your DSUS you try to get a hold of someone, "This is , can anyone hear me? Oh god, please... Janice, Elara... someone?"

All you hear is static for several minutes... then, "Hello? , are you alright?!"

Relieved to hear her voice, "Yes, Janice, I am. Where did you all go? I can't get pass this door, its sealed shut!"

"Don't worry about us now, , just - ow, damn it! Shoot the fucking thing Law, what the hell?!"

"Jan?! Jan what's going on?"

After a minute of hear the sound of bullets and some shouting, her voice rings through, "Sorry. We escaped the tentacles but ran into these... I guess mutated crew members. Jesus, , they're like zombies - they run at us, stark naked and try to rape anyone they can! They already caught Elara, we only just managed to save her before they took her away, she's pretty hurt right now."

"Good god..."

"It gets worse," Janice's voice lowered, sounding very worried. "Elara's... well, she's started to mutate a bit. Her skin's gone pale and she's, uh... well, she's grown a penis."


"Yeah... a lot of these zombie people... they're like hermaphrodites. Very, very well endowed hermaphrodites at that, and very strong physically. If you see them , don't hesitate to shoot - they'll try to get you too. They don't seem to care if they attack a male or female."

Stunned at what you're hearing, you sat down and right away regretted it - you sat in a large pool of that black liquid the tentacles' seemed to expel, "Well, what should I do? Is there any way for me to meet up with you guys?"

"I don't know the layout of the station too well, we were supposed to get directions from security. There has to be a train system nearby, at least - that's how other E-Class stations work. Find that train station and meet us at Point 35A. That's where we are now."

"Alright... stay safe, Jan."

"You too, ...," she answered, softly. "Keep in touch."

Turning off your com-unit, you take a deep breath and walk back down the hall you were just recently dragged up. There are no directional boards, this being a restricted section of the ship, so at the first intersection you had to follow your gut and go...


East, South or West?




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