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School for Scandal | joachim | 28


Scott and Tanya followed Mrs. Grayson through the Academy to her office. Barely anybody in the halls made any comments, since they were primarily busy heading to their next class. Since her back was turned to them, she didn't see Tanya grasp Scott's hand, a silent message of encouragement passing between them. As they got close, Mrs. Grayson turned to the tall conservatively-dressed Indian girl sitting at the desk near the door.

"Nisha, please make sure I'm not disturbed for the next 15 minutes. I have something important to deal with at the moment."

"Certainly, Mrs. Grayson."

As the three of them entered, Scott saw that despite the Victorian-style furnishings, many of the decorations were more erotic than pornographic. His eyes were drawn to a large painting of Mrs. Grayson, clad only in a top hat and bow tie, as well as fishnet stockings and heels. Her auburn hair fell Veronica Lake-style over one eye. Mrs. Grayson realized how Scott's attention was attracted.

"A wedding gift for my husband," she explained. "The artist offered me a two-for-one deal, so I accepted it. Both of you, please take a seat."

Both students sat in the comfortable chairs near the desk, as Mrs. Grayson walked behind the desk. As though she was alone the office, she slipped off her jacket, her large breasts were barely restrained by her blood-red silk bra. The teacher took a white blouse hanging on a nearby rack, and began to slip it on. She sat down, her blouse still half-unbuttoned.

"Is there anything you'd like to say, Mr. Dorian?" the older woman asked.

"I'm not sure what you mean, ma'am," Scott remarked. Despite his teacher's sexiness, he managed to keep eye contact with her.

"Don't play games with me. It's pretty clear that there's something going on between you and your roommate. Something that's more than just the two of you casually fucking each other. You might wear the wristband, but it can't fool everybody." The precise f-strike from his teacher caught Scott off-guard. He decided to simply be open with Mrs. Grayson.

"You're right, Mrs. Grayson. The truth is, I love Tanya. This isn't just a crush; I may not always be the sharpest sword in the dojo, but I do know what love is."

"So you two have been making love since last night?"

"Mrs. Grayson?" Tanya finally spoke up. "We haven't made love." The black girl paused momentarily. "I mean, we've fucked a lot since Scott got here, but I wouldn't say we've 'made love'."

Her joke caught the teacher off guard. Tanya continued.

"The truth is, I love Scott also. He's funny, a quick learner, well-read . . . he's like a redneck Simon Pegg."

"And she's like a black Jenny Sparks," Scott commented. "I'm not joking around, ma'am. I do love Tanya. I thought my friend Kerri back home might be the one, but with Tanya, it's completely different. This isn't a crush, and it's not some weird sexual version of Stockholm Syndrome. Sometimes, you just know somebody's the one. My folks were the same way. Besides, my dad always warned me to be careful when it came to getting involved with older women."

"Three years apart; not exactly Mrs. Robinson," Tanya retorted. "And he's right, Mrs. Grayson. I wanted to have Scott wear the wristband for a while so we'd be able to enjoy each other for a while longer." She leaned over to her boyfriend to plant a light kiss on his lips.

Mrs. Grayson paused to consider their comments. A slight smile appeared on her lips. "I suppose I can understand that a bit. I met Mr. Grayson when I attended school here, so I can sympathize. If you want to keep up this 'act' for a while, then I won't say anything. If anybody else finds out, however, you'll have to deal with it on your own."

"Thank you, ma'am," Scott said. Standing up, he walked up to the auburn-tressed woman and gave her a brief hug.

"Now, Mr. Dorian, could you step out of the office for a moment? I have something important to discuss with your girlfriend."

"Sure thing, Mrs. Grayson." Walking out, Scott saw that Nisha had left her desk, so he sat in one of the chairs posted just outside. Relieved from the teacher's understanding of their situation, he almost didn't see the shorter girl walk up to him.

"Hey, Scott, good to see you again!" Lydia greeted the redneck with a big hug. Scott automatically responded in kind, a light moan emerging from the Goth's lips. Sitting in the next chair over, they rotated slightly to look at one another.

Her black hair still tied in pigtails, Lydia was clad in a black Siouxsie and the Banshees t-shirt that was doing its best to hold itself together on her curvy upper body, a pair of suspenders connected to a short plaid skirt, and black sneakers with white socks. Even though Lydia's body was (from what Scott could tell) incredibly sexy, her attire made her look nearly five years younger.

"So, you and Tanya are an item, huh?"

"Pardon?" Scott started a bit from Lydia's apparent telepathy.

"I'm not blind, Custer. I could tell this morning that there was something going on with you two. I was the same way with Ricky."


"My ex-boyfriend back home. Some of my friends pointed out how we acted whenever we were together. It's a bit of a gift I've developed; who's just screwing each other regularly, and who really cares about one another."

Scott felt he could confide in the cute Goth. "You're right, Lydia. I do love Tanya. She's intelligent, pretty, funny . . . "

"And she's got you," Lydia said. This interruption caught the redneck off-guard. He turned to look at Lydia in the eyes, his hazel eyes locked on her blue ones. The implication in her comment was about as subtle as banjo music.

"We couldn't." Scott leaned forward to hug the Goth. Due to their height difference, Lydia had to crane her head up, their faces just an inch away from one another.

"I know," Lydia whispered. She and Scott shared a light kiss, their lips barely brushing each other's, followed by another hug. As they sat back down, their conversation moved onto their favorite music and writers. A couple of minutes later, Tanya walked out with Mrs. Grayson. The teacher handed the duo late passes for their next classes, before she turned to Lydia.

"Miss Hauser, you said you needed to speak to me?"

"Oh, yes, Mrs. Grayson. It was about the group assignment we have coming up." Lydia and the older woman walked back into the office, their conversation muted by the door closing. Scott turned to look at his girlfriend, as they shared another kiss.

"Everything okay, love?"

"Couldn't be better, Scott. We'd better get going."


What's next?

          A brief interlude


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