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The Flat Tire | smlfox | 4


drives back to his apartment, changes his clothes, and prepares for bed. All the while, his mind is on the beautiful woman he met tonight. They shared so much in common, and it is impossible for him to deny the connection he feels with her.

"If only I wasn't so shy" he thinks to himself as he brushes his teeth. "If only I had more courage. Then I would have just told her that I wanted her. Why didn't I say something?" He begins to beat himself up, until he sees the piece of paper he tossed onto his dresser with her phone number on it.

grabs his phone, and sends a quick text message before he heads to bed.

Clicking the keys on his phone, he nervous types "hey, it's . Just wanted to say goodnight."

A few seconds later his phone announces that he has received a new text message.

His heart pounding, he opens the message. "Thanks. Don't forge to call me at lunch tomorrow. Sweet dreams."

's heart begins to soar. He lies down in bed and turns the light off. His mind is overrun with thoughts of . The thoughts quickly drift those of a sexual nature, and begins to stroke his dick to the thought of making of love to the girl of his dreams. When he's finished, he quickly falls asleep...dreaming of her.

The next morning, wakes up from dreams of confessing his love to , seeing her naked body, touching her all over, and taking her virginity.

Groggily, he sits up in bed and says to himself "I wonder if she's really a virgin. God, that would be amazing. I'd definitely feel less self-conscious about my own lack of experience."

Finally, forces himself out of bed and begins to clean up his apartment. He throws his clothes in the wash, dusts everything, starts the dishwasher, and vacuums. By the time all of the cleaning was done, it was nearing 12:00. heads to his bedroom to grab his phone and make the call.

The phone rings a couple of times and he then hears a sweet voice answer. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's and it's lunchtime. You wanted me to call?" he replies.

Cheerily she responds "yeah, I did. I was kind of afraid you wouldn't." She continues. "So, I was thinking, maybe after my orientation today I could cook dinner for you. I really owe you for everything you did last night."

"You don't owe me anything" he responds. "But you're more than welcome to have dinner with me."

"No, I don't HAVE to, but I WANT to." She rebuttes. "I was thinking I could pick some stuff up and make some spaghetti."

"I'm not to turn down free food" says in a playful tone. "Want me to pick up some wine or anything?"

Thinking for a second, she responds. "Hmmmmm, no. I don't think so. I don't want to be inebriated tonight."

"Ok" he says to her. Then, slightly nervously "and hey, there's something I want to talk to you about tonight."

With a noticable curiosity in her voice she questions him. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Let's just wait until tonight." He responds quickly.

"Okie dokie" she says cheerily. "I'll call you when I'm leaving so you can tell me how to get to your place. I've got to go, my lunch is almost over."

"Ok, have a good rest of the day." He responds.

"Thanks, see you tonight." She ends the conversation.

For the rest of the afternoon, thinks of the perfect way to tell her how he feels. Eventually, she calls him and he tells her how to get to his apartment and she arrives about 30 minutes later.


Does he tell her his feelings or does he chicken out?

          She Makes It Easy For Him


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