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Deep Space: Rescue | ZombieToph | 2


"Janice, Lawrence," barked Elara, handing Plasma pistols to each, "you two are with me - we're going out to see what happened to the ship. , you check the engines, see if they can be repaired or at least salvaged."

A few moments later you could hear the clink of metal boots as the rest of the Response Team scaled the ship's exterior hull while you walked towards the engine room.

The lights failed - you forgot your suit's helmet (with standard Night Vision mode) in the cockpit, "Damn it all."

You felt, rather than saw, something move in the darkness in front of you. With a spasm of fear, your hand found the .22 pistol on your belt - your Deep Space Utility Suit (DSUS) beeped and you heard Elara's voice:

"You better get out here, , it looks like something broke through the hull - there's claw marks all over the ship!"

You turn - feeling your way back along the walls. You know this ship well, just a few more feet and you'll be at the docking bay...

Something pounces on you, knocking you to the floor, your gun slides away - you scream in pain as it feels like several sharp claws dig into your back - something very hard and pointed is thrusting painfully into your rear, you can almost feel it penetrating your suit's armor...

A light flashes and several gun shots go off - the assailant is killed, Janice offering you a hand up.

"Are you okay, ," she asked, hugging you tightly. "Oh my god... look at that thing."

You couldn't believe it - an alien. A real, honest to God alien. It seemed like a mixture of reptile and canine - four legs with clawed feet, but a lizard-like skull, brown skin as hard as any good armor and a very large, very... erect penile-like organ just between its back legs.

"It didn't... uh...," stuttered Janice, looking at its penis and the partially ripped state of your DSUS.

You shake your head, pale, "No... but I think it tried to. I need to get out of here, Jan - get my helmet, please?"

She nodded and only left you after you stepped out into Ulmo's ship bay - it looked rather sparse. You made for a nearby bench and sat down, holding your face in your hands.

An alien creature just tried to rape you. If not for Janice... it would have. You couldn't stop your hands from shaking.

"Alright team, there's nothing we can do for the Maroone now," said Elara, pulling you to your feet. ", stay behind me - once we're through the customs area I want you at Security; hopefully someone'll be there. Pull yourself together, man - we have a station to turn back on!"


What happens next?

          Introduction 3


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