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Knocked Up Notions | DamianWhite | 7


"First things first, Sam," you say." She starts to smile, then looks puzzled as you squeeze past her towards the toilet. Flipping up the cover, you pull down your pants and underwear, and then plop yourself down on the seat. Like all toilet seats, except those really cool ones from Japan, this one is icy cold, but thanks to the shower, this one is also clammy wet.

"Wha...? Max, what are you doing?" Your sister looks shocked.

"Sorry, Sis. I just couldn't hold it anymore." Which was the truth. You'd splurged on a burrito for lunch from the corner store, and although it smelled a bit off, you were so hungry you still ate the entire thing, although you did go through eight packets of hot sauce. You're beginning to wonder if those warm feelings of love you were feeling earlier were just jalapenos and similar hotness moving through your large intestine. You sigh in relief as a loud warning fart escapes from you, heralding the imminent arrival of the rest of it's party.

Sam's eyes grow big, and she turns toward the door. She tries to grab the handle, but between the poor shape of the doorknob, and the condensation covering it, she is unable to unlock it, let alone open it. "Nooooooooo!" she cries, shaking the handle helplessly. She shouts at you over her shoulder "Stop it Max! Stop it right now!"

There is no stopping this now, or anytime soon. "Can't be done. We've got wormsign!"

Upstairs, your mom and Amy are putting away groceries. Amy is looking wistfully at a cucumber, before finally putting it into the fridge. She reaches for the next thing in the bag, then stops for a moment.

"Mom, is that Sam screaming somewhere?" Amy is puzzled, as Sam is not the screaming type.

Your mom stops, a tin can held in either hand. She tilts her head to listen. "Hmm, I don't hear anythi- ON MY GOD WHAT IS THAT SMELL?" She drops the cans on the floor and grabs Amy by the upper arm. "Come on, baby, the groceries can wait. We'll come back later." She rushes her out the door, although Amy doesn't resist at all after catching a whiff of what was coming up through the vents.

Had they stayed around for just a few second longer, they would have heard the sound of the bathroom door being kicked off of it's hinges by what was probably the most powerful sidekick of Sam's life. A washtowel held over her nose, and tears streaming for eyes, and for multiple reasons, she stumbled out of the bathroom, shoving the broken door aside, and then quickly making her way to the stairs.

You step out of the bathroom as well, pulling up your pants as you do so. "Come on, sis. Like you've never taken a dump like that before." Although actually, if she had, you suspect that you would have remembered it. Truth be told, that was the most epic dump you'd ever been a part of. Although the timing of it was extremely unfortunate.

Sam has made it to the stairs, weaving a little, and pulls herself up them, turning to give you one horrified look before going out of your site. You start to wonder if you should have held it in until after the shower was over.

You suspect that things with your sister had been set back quite a bit now. Although they may be salvageable. You may want to give her some time first.


Chase after Sam (to apologize?), shower by yourself, or something else?


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