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You stop and look over your shoulders. The blanket has slipped down further and has exposed Shelly's snatch. You gulp and try to turn away but you don't move. Your cock pulls you towards her hole. "Oh god" You think as your inner beast takes over. You drop the rope and walk over to Shelly. "Han..Oh my god!" Shelly exclaims as she sees your cock and then her exposed pussy. You kneel on the bed beside her and stand over her. "No, Hanna, don't I don't..." You cut her of by diving down and sucking on her nipples. She moans loudly as you let go of her to line up. You give her a strong kiss and then grab her hips and plunge into her. Shelly screams and bucks wildly, her hair flying about and her eyes wide open. You ram as hard as you can in and out of her. She cums and cums again. Shelly starts to writhe around wildly as you fuck her hard. Somehow she gains enough coherency to mutter "N-not in m-m-me." Before another orgasm washes through her. You get the idea but rather than pull out you ask "Don't y-you..uh.. want m-my c-cum in y-your pussy?" You thrust in and out of her again, coming closer and closer to your limit. "N-no..GOD..d-don't." You smile as you slow and pull out. "What about in your arse?" You don't wait for an answer but just dive into her tight asshole. Shelly lets out a tremendous scream of pain and cums wildly. Her ass is so tight you struggle to move in it. Two more pumps and you unload with a yell. You collapse onto Shelly who is still cumming and crying. You kiss her softly and pant
"Sorry baby girl, I just needed to."
" I-I-'sOK. I had f-fun t-too." You kiss her again, your tits rubbing together. You try to pull out of her ass but she holds you with her legs. You smile and rest your head beside Shelly's and fall asleep.


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