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The Shining Stone (fixed) | WaterMage | 16


“In these mountains, here-” he points to a spot on the map, “-there’s a dark-elf lair.”

Your eyes widen. You’ve heard of the great underground matriarchal civilisation of the dark elves, but only in stories, tales of decadent monsters, beautiful and seductive but fierce and cruel, raiding surface settlements for slaves or revenge on their surface-dwelling kin, who exiled them long ago.

“It’s a small set on caves and carved chambers, hidden in the mountainside,” The warrior continues. “I came across it by accident, and managed to sneak away without being seen. They use it to spy on the elf city of Elohin, but also to train witch-priestess novices to work on the surface. The Lords of Elohin might be interested to know about it. Probably worth a reward from them – I’d have gone myself but, uh, I’m not welcome in the city.”

Help from the elf lords would certainly be useful on your quest.

The warrior grins. “Of course, a mighty hero like you might just want to deal with them himself. There are only a few guards and one fully trained witch-priestess, the rest are novices. They’ve probably got a lot of treasure there, and magical items and texts.” He leers. “And of course lots of tight young dark elf cunt.”

Anja, who’s been toying with the unconscious harpy’s breasts, looks up and grins enthusiastically at that.

The warrior picks up his bag. “Anyway, that’s my info. Thanks again for saving me. Maybe we’ll meet up again on the road. Good fortune to you.”

“And to you,” you say.

After he’s left, Anja looks at you expectantly. “Well, master? Do we check out the prospect of hot dark elf sluts, see how grateful the Elf Lords are, or just head on to the druids?”


What do you decide?

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