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Knocked Up Notions | DamianWhite | 9


Sam looks shocked. "I went out and bought some condoms. I don't care if you didn't bring any, but you are going to wear one." She opens her hand to reveal three condoms.

You shake your head. "That was never a part of the deal, sis. There was nothing in there about my having to use protection, and you said I could have you anyway I wanted to. And I want you without having to wear a condom."

Your sister is silent for a bit, staring at you as she thinks. She bites her lower lip as she realizes she may have once again gotten herself into a bind through her use of vague rules. "Let's do this another night then, after I'd have a chance to... prepare." From her reaction to the current situation, and her request to delay things, you're guessing she isn't on the pill, or has any other form of birth control available to her at the moment. Which makes sense, given that she is a virgin, and not terribly well versed in sexual matters. Not that you are exactly an expert, either.

"Again, Sam, that wasn't part of the deal. You said I could choose the time we did it. And I chose now."

Your sister's voice takes on a slightly pleading tone. "Max, tonight really isn't a very good night for this. Can't you just wear a condom, or can't we just do this some other time?"

You realize that this is one of your sister's fertile days, and the thought of planting your seed in her receptive womb starts getting you even more excited, although you do your best not to show it.

"Not unless you are going back on your word, sis."

Sam bristles slightly, although she still looks subdued. "I don't go back on my word. If I did, we wouldn't be here right now. But maybe we could make a new arrangement, if I gave you the right incentives."

Despite your determination to try to impregnate your sister this very night, you are interested to hear what her 'incentives' are. "What are you suggesting as a new deal?"

Sam licks her lips, and pauses for a moment, clearly making this up as she goes. "First of all, you can do whatever you want to me tonight, as long as it doesn't involve your... stuff ending up inside my vagina."

"That doesn't sound like a fair deal to me, sis, based on what I currently have available to me."I'm still is

Sam holds up a slim hand. "I'm not finished yet. Secondly, you can have me on three separate occasions sometime in the future, as long as it's not tonight. You don't have to wear a condom."

Hmm. Three more times in the future, instead of just the one time. The downside is that your sister would now have time to take precautions. Although there may be ways to get around those precautions...

Your sister continues, sensing that you are at least considering her offer. "And third, I will be more... enthusiastic. Not just cooperative, but I'll at least pretend to be willing and enjoying what you are doing to me."

You pause to consider her terms. Your best chance to impregnate your sister would seem to be tonight. But having sex with her three times in the future would also give you opportunity, although perhaps not as much. And you suspect there may be more vagueness in her rules that could work in your favor if you accept them. You seem to have discovered a talent for finding ways around rules lately.


Take her offer, or just stick to the original offer?

          Counter Offer

          Accept her offer

          Decline her offer


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