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The Flat Tire | smlfox | 10


As they sat down to eat, looks in the eye and asks. "Did you really mean what you said last night when you said I was the most beautiful girl in the world?"

blushed and looked down, nervous. "Yes" was the only thing he could say.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally looked back up to see her eyes shining brightly, and see her smiling with her whole face. It didn't last long, though. Her face became overrun with worry. Quietly she continued "when you said it's not everyday you have a gorgeous woman spending the night..." Her voice drops off.

looks into her eyes, waiting for her to continue.

" many have there been?" Her eyes drop down to her food, concerned about how he would respond.

With complete and utter confusion, exclaims "why are you asking me these things?"

She remains silent.

"Sorry," he quickly composes himself. "I didn't mean to shout. I'm just really, REALLY confused." The emphasis he uses on the second 'really' makes her chuckle.

Without lifting her head, she continues with "I....I like you. A lot."

's heart begins to race. He looks at her hanging her beautiful head. "To answer your question..."

picks her head up and looks at him.

"Beautiful women? None. To be honest, I've never had much luck with women. I've had two girlfriends in my life. A bitch and a slut. And to be honest..." his voice drops off.

"What?" questions sweetly, coaxing him to continue.

Looking up at her, seeing the inquisitive look in her eyes he responds with "I'm embarassed to say."

"Tell me, please" she coaxes, drawing out the please in a way that makes him unable to say no.

With a deep breath, he speaks quickly saying "I've had sex once. And it sucked. I didn't even finish. I always intended to wait until marriage or at least until I met the right woman, but she talked me into it."

His heart sinks, fearing her response. He is expecting her to laugh or say something condescending. He doesn't even continue eating.

Quitetly, almost in a whisper "?"

"Ye...yes?" He responds, still feeling sheepish.

"I'm a virgin." responds blunty, almost seeming ashamed of the fact herself but trying to be comforting at the same time.

This time, it was 's turn for his eyes to light up. "Guess your momma raised you right, then" he says with a slight mock southern accent.

Dinner continues uneventfully, and they head into the den to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.


What movie do they pick?

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