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Boy Cursed to be a Girl | ErisL | 11


You push him off of you, and without his cock holding it in, some of his cum immediately flows out onto the coffee table beneath you, and you feel strangely, disappointingly empty without him inside you. You can feel yourself settling into 's thoughts more and more, but they aren't 's anymore; they're yours, and in the end it was at least partly by your own choice. You're a girl now - a pregnant girl, even, but you'll never be HIS. The very idea is repulsive. And so you turn and whisper into his ear: " will NEVER have me."

He stares at you, momentarily confused, and then the look of profound hurt on Isaac's face is almost enough to make you regret saying it.


Hurt flashes to anger, but you're rising to your feet now, and gathering your clothes, and aware of your female body in a way you'd never been before it became *your* body. The weight of your breasts. The way your balance has changed without the broad shoulders of your male form. The way your childbearing hips sway when you walk. Beads of sweat on your skin. The way your hair tickles your skin at the base of your neck. The fading warmth of the afterglow, and the fading warmth of his seed still inside you, and your lingering desire for his body. But most of all, you feel the power of what you just did, and said. Before, you'd always been submissive, always seeking a dominant partner, but this... this feels... good.


Does he try to stop you? Does he watch you go?

          Oh, he tries... (drama)


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