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The Pirate's Life For Me... | yoyo1342 | 5


Elizabeth chooses to be pragmatic and face the reality of her situation at as a captive of these people. At some point she may have a better opportunity to escape, but for now she is clearly under the control of this chief. Elizabeth walked forward to stand in front of the Chief. For a few minutes, the Chief spoke at her at first in normal conversational tone, but increasingly, with a tone of command. When he clearly repeated a command, Elizabeth could only look from side to side at the guards and shake her head. The chief looks somewhat frustrated at this so, concerned that her inability to understand his directives will be interpreted as defiance, Elizabeth decides to make her supplication clear.

Keeping her eyes focused on the Chief’s face, Elizabeth lowers herself to one knee, and then to both. This causes the Chief to stop talking and simply eyeball her. As she walks towards the Chief on her knees, she looks him over. His body is proportioned differently than a man’s, with longer limbs relative to his torso. Clearly older than the other goblin’s his gut shows a healthy paunch. Meanwhile his cock, dangling between his legs at least resembles that of a human’s and as she approaches, it hardens.

“I don’t know what you had in mind you old bastard, but I can’t think of any better way to communicate that I am willing to be compliant,” Elizabeth says in her most polite soothing tone, with a smile on her face.

With that she leans forward in to his lap and takes is now erect green member in to her mouth. If the Chief is surprised or alarmed at this in any way he’s careful not to show it. After running her tongue along his cock for a few seconds, Elizabeth pulls away rights herself again, gazing again in to the chief’s eyes with as open an expression as she can manage, trying to indicate that she is willing to take direction.


How does the chief direct her?

          Continue the oral sex...

          Climb up in his lap...


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