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Knocked Up Notions | DamianWhite | 6


You have wanted all of your sisters so bad, for so very long, and your lust for your sister had only been building over the course of your... interaction today. But now...

"So, you really thought I was serious about the bet, Sam?" You force a smile.

She looks startled and confused for a second. "What?"

You force the little white lies out of your mouth, because something tells you it's the best way to salvage this awkward situation. "I was just messing with your head. Don't get me wrong, Sam. You're hot and all that, but you're still my sister. I'm not *that* much of a horndog."

Sam laughs, nervously at first, then with a little more confidence. "You little brat. I thought you were serious!" You sense relief in her voice. Relief, and a hint of something else? Disappointment, maybe?

In your dreams, maybe. Again, you you keep trying to translate the real world into sexual fantasy terms. This would be where your sister's view of you suddenly changes, and her unconscious, or not so unconscious, lust for you manifests itself.

"Yeah, I got you good, Sam." I got you, but not in the way I wanted. Or rather, I let you go once I had you.

Sam flops back onto the mat, and brings her hands up to her face. "Oh, God. I can't believe I said I was going to go through with... the deal. You must think I'm really weird now."

You shrug. "Don't sweat it, sis. Like you said, you're into all that martial arts honor and stuff, and keeping your word."

"Yeah," Sam says reluctantly. "Maybe too much so." She taps her fingers on mat, he fingers by her side as she lays there. "You did win though, so I do kind of owe you something, in a non-intimate way, of course. Dinner, maybe?" She raises her head to look at you.

"Uh, if you're talking your cooking, I think that would be even harder on my stomach than that kick you gave me earlier."

Sam sticks out her tongue at you. "My cooking is not *that* bad. But I was talking about going out for dinner, my treat. Your choice of locations."

Actually, her cooking really was *that* bad. Not that you were one to talk.

"I'll happily accept that offer, sis. Then any debts between us will be considered paid in full." You get to your feet slowly, starting to feel the stiffness in those parts of your body in which stiffness is not a good thing. Not that you apparently have any need for stiffness in that other place, though.

You reach down and offer your sister a hand, which she takes and allows you to pull her to her feet.

"Fine, then." She smiles softly at you. "Leave around seven then?" That still leaves a while for you to get other stuff accomplished before then.

"Works for me." You smile back.

As always, you can't help but admire Sam's backside as she turns and leaves the room, although you sense that things have changed between you and your sister. Seemingly for the better, even if not in the way you wanted, and perhaps not permanently. And maybe things could change again in the future, especially if you played your cards right. You are who you are, and you still can't stop wanting a hot girl like Sam.

Of course, you do have two other sisters. Although pursuing them could cost you whatever it is you have with Sam now, or what you could possibly have with her in the future. You did seem to sell her on the entire "I am a good boy who thinks that incest is bad" thing earlier. But that's not really who you are, is it?


Keep your focus on Sam, see what ypur other sisters are up to, or somethng else?

          Stay with Sam


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