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Knocked Up Notions | DamianWhite | 4


You follow your sister Sam into the center of the little room.

"Two rules, little brother," she says. "Number one, anything goes. And number two, it's over as soon as one side gives up."

"Sounds easy enough." You assume a rough fighting stance.

And that is when you discover the fatal flaw in your plan. Basically, that you have zero skill in and kind of unarmed combat, despite seeing The Matrix more times than you can remember. This point is first driven home by a roundkick to your stomach, which almost causes you to fall to your hands and knees.

Sam is smiling prettily at you. "Ready to give up, Peewee?"

In response, you take a clumsy swing at your sister. Granted, you were pretty certain that it wasn't going to hit your sister in the first place, otherwise you never would have thrown it, but your sister takes the opportunity to step into you, grab your arm, and fairly effortlessly flip you over and onto your back on the mat.

"You really didn't think I would have agreed to this if I thought you had any chance of winning, did you, Max?" Your sister looks down at you, gloating.

You roll away as quickly as you can. Which is to say, not very quickly at all. Still, your sister doesn't press her advantage, allowing you to get to your feet.

This isn't how it is supposed to be, you think. This is where you are supposed to somehow develop kung fu skills, defeat your sister, and take her right there on the mat. At least if you were writing the story. A shame that you aren't.

"I'm not beat yet," you say stubbornly. You start to move forward. You're not sure what exactly you were going to do, but your sister had it figured out, either way. Or else she knew that a snap kick to your face would be an effective counter, which it was. You don't think your nose is broken, but you do feel a slight trickle of blood, which you wipe dazedly on your sleeve.

Your sister looks at you, and starts laughing. "It looks like I made you bleed, Peewee. instead of the other way around." Her joke makes her laugh even harder.

It's been a while since you've heard your sister laugh like that, and it brings back distant memories. Of many, many years ago, when she was actually smaller than you you a brief period of time, and despite being younger than her, you were still somehow the big brother. And you did what young big brothers did to their little sisters.

"I know how to beat you," you say, as a smile grows on your face.

Sam looks at you, confidence far outweighing any doubt on her face. "Oh, please, Peewee. I've fought guys that know karate, and kung fu, and judo, among other things. What do you know that they don't?"

Your smile grows even bigger, and more confident. "I know where you're ticklish."

Your sister's face suddenly turns pale, and at that moment you lunge for her. Apparently, none of the martial arts Sam had studied included defending against tickling. And the fact that your sister was extremely ticklish, and was thinking back to the times long ago, when you used to tickle her unmercifully, to the point where she peed herself one day. Either way, instead of defending properly as you grab for her, she flinches.

Contact with her body is all it takes. Even though it was long ago, and her body has changed quite dramatically since then, your hands instinctively find the points, just an inch or two under her armpits, and rub rub gently but firmly over her skin through her uniform. It's not much, but it causes her to immediately collapse to the mat, shrieking. You follow her down, straddling her hips, still tickling her.

"No!" she screams, as a mixture of laughs and screams pour from her mouth. She twists under you, and feebly beats at you with her arms, but once you've started tickling her, she is largely helpless.

"Give up, sis," you say firmly. Your fingers keep locked at the two spots on her sides, despite her efforts to stop you.

She screams in involuntary laughter as your fingers continue their work. "Stop it, Max, get off of me!"

"Not until you give up."

Tears are starting to run down her face. "I'm not-" interruption for a high-pitched squeal" -not letting you fuck me, you little perv!"

"Okay, be that way, Sam." You keep your left hand tickling her right side, while you bring your right hand back, and let it slip under her left leg, partially pinned under you. You right that point, right above the back of her knee-

Sam's body arches as you find her most ticklish spot. She's laughing and squealing so hard now that she seems to be having trouble breathing. You're starting to get worried that she is going to lose control of her bladder, which, despite your rampant exposure to internet porn, is not something that really turns you on.

Sam tries frantically to squirm out from under you, or knock you off, or anything, but her motions are far too frantic now to be effective. Although she is still laughing, a desperate, pleading look appears in her eyes. You're starting to feel guilty for the torture you're inflicting on your big sister, and give serious though to stopping.

Sam's voice is barely intelligible. Between her breathlessness, laughing, and shrieking, her voice has started to get a little hoarse.

"I... I give up. I give up! I give up!" Her voice grows louder as she repeats, her voice desperate as she seeks release from your assault.

You stop tickling her, and she goes limp under you for a moment, her body exhausted, and perhaps for a moment not actually realizing what she said. Then, suddenly she looks up at you, and shoves you off of her, a good portion of her normal strength returning. You fall back hard on your ass as she scampers away and away from you a little bit, staring at you.


Does she give herself to you as promised, or go back on her word?

          She's found her champion

          Sam is defiant

          Sam very reluctantly concedes defeat


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