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Knocked Up Notions | DamianWhite | 3


You know where your oldest sister will be at this time of the day. A spare corner of the basement was long ago commandeered by Sam as her workout area, and dojo for the many martial arts styles she was studying at one time or another.

Sure enough, you can hear the sound of her shouts as you near the room. Opening the door, you see Sam running through some kind of martial arts form. She was wearing a more or less standard karate uniform when you came in, but as she saw you enter the room, she quickly turned her back to adjust it. She cranes her neck back over one shoulder to talk to you.

"What brings you to my private area, peewee?"

You always hated that name. Just because your sister had been taller than you until just a few years ago. Then you had finally caught up, but the nick-name stuck.

"I just wanted to see if your moves were as bad as I remembered."

Sam stiffened visibly. Despite never succeeding too far into any individual martial art style, at least officially, she took inordinate pride in what she had accomplished on her own.

"A whole lot of guys have tried to take me down, peewee." she said, staring daggers at him. "Despite the prize I've dangled in front of their eyes, none have even come all that close."

You're a little confused. "Prize? You're offering a prize to whatever guy can take you down in karate?"

Now Sam reddened, and this time it wasn't from anger. She had clearly let something slip that she hadn't intended to. "It's nothing," she said dismissively. "Just a little incentive, to keep them on their toes, and guarantee that they will try their best." But now her eyes cannot meet your own.

A light bulb goes on over your head. "You're betting your body that they can't defeat you, aren't you?" That seems unlikely as soon as you say it, but Sam's shocked and guilty expression tells you that you got it right on the nose.

"So, sis... has anyone collected anything on you yet?" You're enjoying her growing discomfort, especially as sexual matters are discussed.

"No," Sam says softly but proudly. "No one has every collected anything on me. Ever."

"Oh... so you're a virgin then?" The expression on your sister's face says it all.

"I... just haven't found the right guy who is strong enough to be my match," Sam admits.

"So you have this open offer thing that if any guy can defeat you in combat, they can have you?"

"It's not as dirty as you're making it sound," say defensively. "No one has ever beat me before, so nothing has happened. It's all perfectly innocent."

"If it's all so innocent then, will you fight me?"

Sam is shocked again. "You're my brother, Peewee."

"But you just said it was all very innocent," you counter. "It's not like I'm going to be the first guy to beat you, am I?"

Sam glares at you. "There's not a chance in hell you'd beat me, Peewee. But this would be just a little too weird."

"Well, if you want to walk away from the request, that's fine. Peewee finally gets one up on his sister."

Now you think your sister is about to explode with anger. She never walked away from a fight before, or any kind of a challenge. Honor was something she had picked up a strong sense of from her martial arts studies.

"Fine, peewee. Your challenge is accepted. And I'm not going to go easy on you, just because you're my little brother."

You smile back sweetly at Sam. "And I'm not going to go easy on you, just because you're my big sister."

Sam glares at you once again. "Then let's get this started."


How does the fight start out?

          Sam vs. Max: Fight!


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