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A Slaver's Life | analfuckingslut | 3


You unlock the heavy door, place your keys back onto your belt and head in. You straight away notice the clanging sound as you enter. You look around and Tim is banging at his heavy chain with his water dish. He looks up at you and renews his efforts. You don't mind too much because you know there's no way he'll break it. After placing Amy's and Shelly's food in front of them and refilling their water you walk over to the now crying Tim. He keeps desperately banging away until you grab the deformed bowl from his hands. Silently you unhook him and half lead half drag him out of the room for punishment. Shelly and Amy look on wordlessly, you don't doubt that they warned him but knowing Tim he told them not to give up so easily. Pulling him to your room you drop the crying heap onto the floor and sit opposite him thinking of a punishment. Normally, spanking, humiliation or food rationing is enough but this requires something new. Then you remember Tim's biggest phobia.


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