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A Slaver's Life | analfuckingslut | 2


You decide to appease your grumbling belly first. No sense in feeding the slaves before yourself. Your kitchen is well stocked, as if for a full family, so your stomach isn't long waiting. As you eat you start to think about the goods. Shelly should fetch a nice price, the search was called off last month and that always boosts the price. You have to remember to thank the chief of police, and a regular customer, for moving the medias attention away from the missing girl. The union had broad influence in politics and other related branches. even if one slave escaped with a story it would be easily hushed away.
And then there was Tim, he wasn't stupid but seemed to not get in his head that questioning orders means punishment. You sigh loudly, he'll probably cost more to raise than to sell.
You finish your breakfast and pile the dishes on the sink, Amy will clean that later. Grabbing a box of cold chicken and some boiled potatoes you head to the slaves chamber.


What do you find on entrance?

          Attempted escape

          Slave Quarters Disclipline


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