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Rachel in Hollywood | dkburrows | 2


The first days in Hollywood were wonderful, and even the straight-laced down-to-business Rachel allowed herself a few days of freedom while they waited for their possessions to catch up to them. They visited all the tourist traps, went to the beach, browsed the shops, and dreamed of a carefree life in this seemingly magical place.

At the end of those first few days, though, Rachel began to fret about money, jobs and their future. Cecilia, a hedonist by nature, continued to revel in the seemingly carefree land of luxury.

This was typical of the two girls. While Rachel planned and acted sensibly Cecilia dove in and impulsively jumped on every opportunity, regardless of the consequences. What infuriated Rachel was that Cecilia somehow always landed on her feet while Rachel fell on her face. In school Rachel studied while Cecilia partied, and who was the one who barely scraped by, and sometimes only by pleading with the teachers? Rachel! It had been that way since their parents married, the girls each thirteen at the time.

At the end of the fourth day their belongings finally caught up with them. Rachel was all set to dive in and get things organized, or at least to find her clothes. In yet another example of her cursed existence the airline had lost only Rachel's bags, forcing her the taller and bustier Rachel to wear Ceci's already scandalously revealing clothes.

Cece, on the other hand, convinced Rachel to leave the unpacking to the next day in favor of one last party.

"To celebrate, in honor of our arriving belongings, officially arriving in Hollywood."

Rachel, being a little daunted by the boxes, allowed herself to be convinced, even wearing another of Ceci's little dresses.

The next morning she awoke to a blinding light to go with a blazing head-ache, and immediately tried to curl protectively around her head.

"Wha!" she cried out, thumping to the ground. "Oh God..." she groaned, face-pressed against the gritty ground.

Reluctantly she raised her head, eyes slitted the tiniest bit so she could see around. "Where am I?" she muttered, the words coming out with all the clarity of Sylvester Stallone's punch-drunk boxer. In fact she felt like she'd been in the ring with Rocky.


Where is Rachel? What happened last night?

          Rachel's at home, and it seems she got 'lucky' last night

          Rachel wakes in a stranger's apartment. It seems she's had a one-night stand


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