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Family Fun | analfuckingslut | 4


You rush down stairs and open the door, it's your little sister Amy. "Hey" you say embracing her in a hug, your tits mash together and somehow she doesn't notice your dick poking her thigh. "Hey Grace, all set?" She says still holding onto you.
"Nearly, just need socks and shoes." You pull away and let her in. After closing the door you turn around and see her enter your kitchen, well what you actually see is her her beautiful butt swinging into the kitchen. You stare transfixed for the few seconds, cock twitching, before following her. You think to yourself "When did sis become hot?"
Amy turns to face you saying "Oh my god I'm so HORNY!!" You stare at her, "Since I dumped Jake I haven't had a good fuck. But the family reunion should take my mind off things." You look at her not believing your ears, your little innocent, shy, naive sister was talking about being horny. And to top it on you couldn't stop yourself from saying "I could do with a good hard fuck myself." Amy just nodded, smiling happily. Then both of you realized that your dick had broken free of its panties and was sticking out straight at Amy. You blinked and stared at her in shock and embarrassment. Amy just smiled and said "Why not fix our problems here?" You don't have time to reply as she kneels before you and starts to suck your cock. A loud moan escapes your lips, you place your hands on her head and start to face fuck your little sister. You see her start to rub her crotch furiously through her jeans. It's not long 'till you gush down her little throat. She pulls off, some cum drips out of her mouth onto her chin and tits. Still kneeling she turns around and, on all fours, starts to slide down her jeans. You see her soaked panties sticking to her dripping pussy. She pulls both panties and jeans around her ankles before saying lustily "Fuck me hard and fill me up." Without a moment hesitation you grab her hips and thrust into her pussy. Your tits bounce up and down as you dive in and out. Amy lets out moans of pleasure as she rocks back to meet your thrusts. You hear Amy moans become louder and louder as she approaches climax. "OH FUCKKKKKK" She yells and you feel her pussy clamp around your cock. This drives you over the edge and you empty your balls into your little sisters womb. You collapse onto her back, tits pressing down onto her. She slides down until she's lying on the floor. Both of you lay there panting for about ten minutes before Amy says "want to call in sick and do it again?"


Go to reunion or fuck Amy some more?

          Go the reunion.

          Stay with sis


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