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"Cover my dirty little face" with that a few strokes and jets of sticky goo spurt from your cockhead and land on Shellys face, some in her mouth. You look down at her, she's completely covered. She smiles back at you, cum dripping from her chin onto her tits. Shelly sits up in front of you and you see her long rod still standing firm, at this your own soft shaft twitches. "Here, let me return the favor." And in one quick experienced plunge you engulf her cock. Shelly lets out a long loud moan as you work your way up and down her shaft. It's not long before you hear her moan "cu..uh.. ummin....I'm..uh..cuuuuh..ming" You redouble your eforts and you are rewarded with the sensations of her with jet hitting the back of you throat. You don't spill a single drop. You both lay there, completely spent. You look at Shelly and smile. "Get back to bed you poor sick girl." With that you put on your robe and and leave. You hear Shelly go back to bed. Tom is just pulling in the driveway when you reenter the kitchen.
"How's Shell'?" was the first thing he said. "She was asleep when I went to check on her but she seemed fine." You reply innocently."Well, I got o go, See you round. Tell Shelly I said hi."
"Will do, and thanks again."
"My pleasure." And you turn back to your house. You go inside and put on some real clothes.


What now?

          Head to town


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