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Your decide to be a good neighbor and head across the estate to tom and Shelly. Tom was a single father and Shelly is his 19 year old daughter. You knock on the door when you arrive.
"Hey Tom, what's up?"
"Morning Hanna, not to good. Shelly's sick and I need to go get some stuff at the shop to finish some soup for her.Um.. Could you stay here 'till I'm back?"
"Sure, I got nothing better to do."
"Thanks Hanna, help yourself to the larder if you want." with that Tom rushes to the car and leaves. You enter his house still in your robe. The chicken soup is going fine so you decide to check on Shelly. You head to her room and peek in not wanting to disturb her if she's sleeping. Her blankets have been moved down, probably because she's roasting, and you see her C cup tits in all their glory. You try to focus on the fact that she's sick but your dick is starting to poke out of the robe.


Do you ignore you lust and check if she needs anything or just leave?

          See if she's ok


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