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You may be horny but not as much as hungry. Putting your urges to one side you pull a robe on and head to your kitchen. It's a calm morning and, as you open the kitchen window, you hear the birds singing. You can see across your estate into the kitchen of one of your neighbors. He's a only father and leaves for work very early and comes back very late leaving his just 18 year old daughter to fend for herself. Occasionally you meet him and he seems nice enough, just tired from his work. On most weekdays you see Shelly,his daughter, in the kitchen getting ready for her ,now last year of, school. This time you see her father,Tom. You are slightly perplexed and decide to go over and see if she's OK after breakfast. You pop on the kettle and get some coffee made. Half an hour later you've cleaned up and are ready to start the day.


Do go see Shelly and Tom?



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