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Girlfriend | dkburrows | 2


You've managed, one way or another, to graduate high school and make your way into an institute of higher learning of some sort. In this institute, be it university, college, or perhaps even an apprenticeship, you are the junior member, mostly older people surrounding you, ogling you, wanting a taste of you.

Just how much you want to give them a taste, or taste them is up to you, as is your motivation for cheating. Do you cheat because it drives you wild to think of potentially being caught? Do you cheat because one man isn't enough? Is it perhaps forced on you by circumstances? One way or another you wind up enjoying it and feeling thrilled, guilty, or both.

But the details, from this point on, are up to you.


And what are the details?

          Spoiled rich girl

          The plastic surgeon's daughter

          The romantic's descent


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