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Black E-mail | jakelyon | 1


Sandra Noce was working at her desk in the accounting department of Jones and White Inc. She had worked at JWI for the past eight years working her way up from AP clerk to assistant controller in charge of cash management. She had worked her way through college while working full time and was proud of her skill in the day to day management of all of JWI's bank accounts, and investments. She was well paid but felt that she was worth more, but then what employee doesn't think they are worth more than the boss is willing to pay them.

She was still single at thirty two years of age, her sometimes boyfriend, Bill Allen, was a sales representative for a large pharmaceutical company. He was gone at least four days a week, but that was fine with Sandra; she was not really in love with him but just waiting until someone better came along. The problem was no one was really out there to come along. Between her long hours on the job and the dull routine of her life she never met anyone. She was pretty; her dark hair and blue eyes attracted most men and she knew that she turned heads when in public. She dressed very well, her clothes were always stylish and she was always dressed in the newest fashions. Her body was well toned, and her breasts were above average in size, her stomach flat, and her legs shapely and well tanned. She just could not seem to give herself fully to anyone.

Meeting someone at JWI was out of the question. JWI's fraternization policy was draconian, and any couple who some much as had dinner with each other would quickly be ordered to have one of them leave the job. The HR department was legendary for their ability to find out about any illicit relationship almost as soon as the couple began seeing each other. JWI's sexual harassment policy was also swift and harsh, any suspected infraction was investigated at once and any even slightly guilty party was immediately fired, that also went for any woman, or man who filed a false complaint, if any complaint was found to be baseless the complaining party was immediately fired.

Sandra also had a secret, one that was so deep and serious that the only way she kept her guilt from overwhelming her was to put it from her mind, make herself feel like she was someone else when she was doing it. In fact some times entire days would go by without her worrying about what would happen to her if anyone found out. Then the e-mail arrived, it was flashing in her in box, its subject line blasting its dark nature, "I know what you are doing."


What does the e-mail reveal about Sandra?

          That she has been stealing from the company

          A lesbian affair with a young temp

          Something way beyond a naughty affair.


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