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Strapon Tales | LordXorph | 3


You've worked at Squaley & Co for three years but it's been miserable for you because of two of your co-workers Amy and Monica. Amy is a tall blonde of about thirty and your direct supervisor, and Monica is a pretty, bitchy, little redhead from accounting. These two are best friends and for whatever reason they've made it their mission in life to mess with you.

Every time an opportunity for promotion or transfer to another department has come up, Amy has deliberately torpedoed it. And Monica just loves to play mean little pranks on you like setting your computer to play porn videos at top volume as soon as you turn it on. Well, enough is enough. After three years of this you've found another job online and handed in your resignation. The look on Amy's face was priceless.

This is your last day at the job and you've stayed late to pack your stuff, after everyone else has gone home. Finally you collect the rest of your junk into a cardboard box and turn to leave. You freeze. There in the doorway are Amy and Monica. They look stunning as always, but also pissed off.

"Well well!" says Amy, "The little bitch thinks he can just skip out on us. After all we've done for him."
You go to barge past them, but Monica gets in your way. "Uh uh! You're not going anywhere."

You are not a very large or strong man; Amy's taller than you and you are not much bigger than Monica. The two girls maneuver you back into the room. Whatever they have planned for you isn't likely to be much fun.


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