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Life in Konohagakure | Meteorbeat | 8


Looking at the kunoichi resting on you is perfectly clear that she didn’t mean to tell you about her mission; the wince is more than enough proof of that.

“I knew this was going to come back and bite me in the ass; me and my fucking mouth” Anko says shaking her head like if not really believing what she had just said; you on the other hand is getting quite curious about her reaction to your question.

It wasn’t exactly a mystery that Anko was usually punished for her way to be; be it going overboard in the interrogations, using extreme measures to finish a mission or finally due to her own mouth and way to be; she was a great ninja for Konoha, but she had some trouble with authorities that seemed to be ingrained in her DNA.

“Alright… I’m getting quite… confused about that reaction; Anko-sensei, what happened?

“Leave it to you to sound worried and fucking annoying at the same time”

“Oi, is it my fault that you are always doing something you shouldn’t? It is simply karma.” you say before feeling her fist into your stomach making you feel the wrath of the snake mistress “...You didn’t have to do that, it was only an opinion...”

“And you should have kept your mouth closed.” Anko said sitting up on the futon, now this seemed a little more serious.

“Anko-sensei, sorry about the joke, what’s happening?” You ask looking at your ‘special’ teacher for three years already slightly worried at her reaction to your words.

“Is okay, I just… I don’t know… well… Tsunade-sama knows...” she says cryptically while your eyebrows rise up at her words.

“Eh, knows? What does she exactly knows?”

“Oh nothing, just that you and I have been fucking like nin-dogs in heat for the last three years, that I practically kidnapped you the first time and that I had sex with a minor of age and many people would see it as rape” Anko tells you in a very dispassionate voice making your mind hold the emergency brakes.

“Okay… what? How does she…” sadly you cannot finish your question since Anko starts talking.

“Well, you know, I was talking with Nai-chan, we were drinking, reminiscing our genin days, talking about partners and I when she said that she have been feeling a little… lonely, well” Anko shrugs her shoulders while her face shows the closest thing to embarrassment you have ever seen on her.

/A couple of nights ago/

“So, little Nai-chan is feeling the needs once again, uh?” A more than a little inebriated Anko starts nudging with her shoulders at her booth companion for the night; at her side, a slightly blushing Yuuhi Kurenai glares at her long time friend.

“That is not of your incumbency.” The crimson eyed kunoichi said with a little too much strength before sipping down another plate of sake; that was one of the reasons she hated telling something private to Anko; that woman never learned when not to tease or keep her mouth shut.

“Of course it is, my best friend in the whole world is feeling that incessant itch between her legs and there is nothing at hand to scratch it...” Anko said while Kurenai simply continued to glare at the woman; sometimes Kurenai didn’t know how she was capable of enjoying the company of someone who was so crash and foul mouthed.

“Oh shut up, its not like you aren't in the same position as me, I haven’t seen you with anybody for a long time.” the genjutsu expert tried to retaliate but Anko’s grin only grew wider making Kurenai really curious “Wait. No way… I haven’t see you dragging a poor soul in the direction of your apartment for a couple of years...”

“Who says I had to drag him?” Anko says enjoying the look of confusion of her friend not knowing that she would pay a little price for letting out a secret of almost three years.

“How else would you get a guy? I think the fact that you have the most infamous reputation in torture just under Ibiki in Konoha is bigger than any kind of outfit or flirting technique you could use.” Kurenai explained to her friend while this one pouted a bit at the words of wisdom; it had been hard in the past to get male company in the night for the kunoichi considering not only her past but also her occupation; usually only the most bravest of men or simply the craziest went along with Anko’s night game… but not anymore.

Kurenai arched an elegant eyebrow at the grin that appeared in Anko’s face, obviously from remembering something.

“For your information this guy has not only survived a night with yours truly, but also comes back for more; heck, I even started teaching him some of my own jutsus and they are in good hands... and other parts of his body much to my delight...” Anko says obviously remembering those encounters with the way her eyes shine and her mouth licks her moist lips.

“Lucky bitch.” Kurenai says hating the fact that her friend had a constant companion and was really happy for that “So who is exactly this magical lover of yours?”

“You wouldn’t even believe it.”

“I’ve been around the craziest people in the Fire Country, and that includes Gai, Kakashi, Tsume, and of course, you, so I’m very accustomed to surprises and strange events, now tell me!” Kurenai more than likely commanded her to say it and being such a good friend Anko couldn’t keep that information only to herself.

“Well, just between you and me... it's ” She said with a huge grin in her face at the disbelieving look on Kurenai.

“Wait... ? You mean the guy who is in Team Seven? That ?” Of course she was talking about him, who else had that family name in all of Konoha? “Are you crazy? He is practically a kid!” Kurenai, always being called the Ice Queen since the academy, couldn’t contain her surprise and confusion “Since when have you two have been having sex?”

“Well... I don’t like to kiss and tell but... what, is it almost three years already?” at that confession Kurenai’s eyes grew showing all of her red irises.

“You... you cradle-robber! He was practically fifteen when you two... that was when my team did the Chuunin exam!”

“What can I say? The kid knows how to impress, it didn’t exactly hurt that he knew how to flirt too, besides, who cares about age? We are ninja; we are trained to kill, lie and cheat since we are little kids and instead of playing with dolls they give us poisoned senbon to throw at targets, who cares about age? Besides, you are not exactly guilty free here my dear, don’t think I didn’t saw the way you were ogling at him at his Jounin graduation...” Anko said pointing with a finger to her friend while Kurenai snorted at the accusation.

“At least he is now of legal age.”

“Who cares, the kid certainly enjoyed it, me too by the way; so, if you are that interested maybe I can loan him to you if you are cold in the night...” Anko said seeing the spark of interest in Kurenai’s eyes, sadly she was never capable of answering back.

Kurenai’s skin have always been pale but right now it seemed so pale like if she have seen a ghost while her eyes were focused at something over Anko, this one was going to ask what was wrong before a voice interrupted her and made her go as pale as her friend.

“Well, on what I am interested in right now is to hear the whole story of a certain Jounin seducing a young Chuunin, preferably in my office.” the familiar voice boomed in Anko’s imagination before she turned around to find the blonde haired bombshell known as the Godaime Hokage, none other than Tsunade-sama holding a small sake bottle in her delicate looking hands “And I would like to hear the whole story… now!”


“And well… she asked all the details; after that she decided to only punish me with a whole month of patrol duty… don’t know why she decided that but I’m not looking at a gift snake on the fangs.” Anko finished her story while the dots started to connect in your head like every time you had a mission; probably that answered the question of why Tsunade searched for you to… get that itch scratched as Anko put...

"Eh -kun, what is it?"


Do you come clean and tell the truth?

          The truth will make you hot


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