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John Almighty | rhetorical | 9


Janine, who seemed like someone who didn't mind taking the reins of a conversation, pushed forward to get the cashier's attention. "Hi Laney!" she chirped.

The cashier's eyes lit up with recognition "Oh, hi Janine! Who's your friend?"

Janine looked to John with a conspiratorial smile. "This is John. We're planning on having lunch in the park. When do you get off?"

"Just a minute or two," Laney said. "How do you know each other?"

"Oh," Janine said a little too casually, "he's just a guy I met in the showers. He reminds me a bit of Mikey from our junior art class, and I thought I'd get to know him better," she said significantly. Laney's eyes widened, and she looked at John in a new light. "Do you want to join us?" Janine asked innocently.

"Definitely," Laney said. "Let me just get your orders, and I'll cash out. What do you want?"

Janine smiled. "I'd like a Hot Sausage and some Tangy Fingers, with and a medium White Shake," she said. She looked over to John, who was in still in a bit of shock. "Hey, my treat stud. Know what you want to order?"

John's eyes stumbled over the menu, trying to settle on something that his brain would not associate with sex, as he was not used to ordering his fast food with a side of heavy innuendo. Then, giving up on that, he settled on a Sweet-n-Saucy chicken taco.

Janine paid, and some girls behind the counter made up the orders while Laney cashed out. Meanwhile, John was getting an uneasy feeling from the lack of males at this kiosk, either staff or customers, and the looks of distaste that he saw on some guys as they passed. Enough was enough.

"What's going on with this?" he thought to the voice. "Why is there now raunchy fast-food chains, and why do guys have problems with it? Why are guys covering up more than girls?"

"The existence of the restaurant is easy to explain", said the voice. "Because female masturbation is nominally considered normal and publicly acceptable, there are no laws against incorporating female masturbation as a theme in commercial products. Because masturbation is happily accepted by females, and has the usual effect on males decision-making, Tanya's is very successful enterprise."

"Your other questions involve a difficulty in your last wish, which was difficult to fulfill because of inconsistencies," the voice continued. "Masturbation cannot be as natural for males as nudity is if males are comfortable being nude around you, but are uncomfortable masturbating. The simplest resolution was to make masturbating something that men felt comfortable with only in family or groups of close friends, and to estrange you from your male family members and close male friends."

John was aghast as the voice continued matter-of-factly. "Females are unaffected because of your explicit wish for lack of inhibitions, and routinely masturbate in public when aroused. Your wish that erect male genitalia arouse women make it more likely that women will masturbate when men are aroused; and males are aroused by female nudity and sexuality as before. Because males feel less free to act on their sexual arousal, they attempt to diminish the frequency with which females masturbate or expose themselves in public, while at the same time simply accepting that women have the right to expose themselves and to masturbate in public. Therefore males take measures to hide their bodies and their sexual excitement. Males who act sexually in public, or who encourage women to see them as sexual objects by increased exposure or patronizing restaurants themed on sexuality, are somewhat resented," the voice concluded.

"Fuck," John thought to himself, "this sucks. I don't want to be a pariah, and I definitely don't want to lose my friends." At the same time, he liked the attention that Janine was giving him (and that Laney seemed poised to give him, based on her earlier reaction). "How do I fix this?"


What does John do?


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