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John Almighty | rhetorical | 15


As he went for his jeans, he realized that he wanted to make some sort of plan to make sure that the didn't repeat the sorts of mishaps that he had in playing with Sasha. What was he going to do?

He decided to keep things simple at first. He wished to know whether he Sasha and he knew any girls who were lesbian, or better still bisexual. He magically discovered that there were actually three:

* Alisa Thompson, a short (but unfortunately very overweight) Physics major, and his D&D games' resident cleric; she was a mere 4' tall and had red hair, and it turned out she was bisexual. But her width and her skin problems were a deal-breaker. But he could do something about that now, couldn't he?

* Carla Michealson, a svelte 5'6" brunette with C-cup breasts, whose room was down the hall. She was in John's sociology class, and was friendly enough. Turned out that she's bisexual as well.

* Hellen DuFresne, a statuesque 5"11" blonde who lived across the hall, in fact. She was polite with John, but didn't interact with him much, and had a bit of a reputation as being a little cold. John now knew that she was a lesbian; maybe her reluctance to open herself to propositions from guys was why she didn't interact much with the people John knew.

He decided to throw in a couple of straight girls into the list of potential attendees, and he might as well keep it in among friends. He wished to know if any girls both he and Sasha knew were attracted to him. He came up with a couple: Kelley Marks, a 5'2" raven-haired girl in his Math class, and Nicole Washington, a slim 5'5" black girl in his sociology class. And Alisa Thompson again.

"D'oh", thought John, "forgot to narrow it down to straight girls in my wish!" But still ... hmmm.

Well, there was no point in considering Alisa unless he did something to bring her into contention. Alisa was a cool friend, and he had often thought that if she were --- well, attractive --- that it could be fun to hook up with her. He decided to go ahead and wish that she had a more slender build, and less acne, and generally a sexier body. He thought about her height, and decided that 4' was just a little *too* short; he bumped it up to 4'11", so that she would still be playfully short.

Actually, she had always seemed conscious of her body: so he decided that actually he wanted it to be the case that she had naturally grew into her new and improved body in the first place. After making that wish, he suddenly worried that this would make her a different person; so he added that he wanted her to still have the same personality, interests, friendships, and basic history that she had originally, but just minus whatever unfortunate hang-ups she had with her body before.

He worried that there might still be something that he had clumsily missed in changing Alisa. He wished to know whether he could undo his changes to her... and breathed a sigh of relief when he found out that he could. He really should have found this shit out earlier! But it seemed like this power allowed him at least to undo any really bad mistakes he might make.

John didn't know who exactly he would invite. He was really tempted to invite Alisa, but maybe he should catch up with her later in a more every-day setting. He should ask Sasha anyway if she preferred anyone. But he decided to wish that anyone who came into his apartment would, like Sasha, be relaxed about sexuality, and not to do anything that would make anyone else uncomfortable.


Who does John invite? Has he forgotten anything important?


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