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An Internet Sensation | adat | 1


Marcy groaned as she came to. The sleep she was emerging from was thick, and didn't seem natural. The last time she'd experienced anything like this was the last time she'd been so drunk that when she woke up she was still drunk. But she didn't remember drinking last night, couldn't remember much of anything really. She shivered. The room was cold, and Marcy didn't want to wake up yet so she reached down to pull up the covers. Her hand touched her bare flesh, which was her first clue that something was amiss. She almost never slept in the nude. She opened her eyes, squinting against the reddish light. This wasn't her room.

She gaped up at the reflection of her nude body in the heart shaped mirror suspended above the bed she was laying in. Metallic rings glittered from her nipples,and another from her clit. The last time Marcy had woken up, the only piercings she had had were her ears. A quick search with her trembling hands showed her that the jewelry was continuous, and was not designed to be removed. A quick look around shower her that the bed itself was heart shaped, covered in red satin. The room looked like something out of a porno, festooned in reds and pinks. A lava lamp bubbled lazily on the heart shaped bed side table. Thick, pink shag carpeting covered the floor. A treadmill sat on one side of the room, and a massive television adorned the far wall. On the other wall was a large wooden X, with restraints attached. Marcy didn't know a Saint Andrew's Cross by name, but she knew a bondage implement when she saw one. A huge wooden wardrobe sat farther along that wall, directly to her left. There was a single door, that Marcy rushed for, that was unsurprisingly locked.

Marcy tried to think, tried to remember. And the memory came to her. She had gone for an interview yesterday. She had scene the ad in the paper in the section for escorts. It had been for a phone sex operator. Marcy wasn't terribly proud of the decision, but college was expensive. And no one had to know. Which she now realized with growing horror, meant that no one knew where she was. She had been pleasantly surprised with the phone sex companies' facility. It had been well lit, and clean. She was led through an area full of cubicles where women of all shapes, sizes, and ages talked on phones. From there she was ushered into an office where a pleasant enough middle management type introduced himself as Brad. He had offered her a cup of coffee which she had accepted, and begun the interview process. Part way through she had begun to get drowsy. They had dosed the coffee with something and she had woken up here. Kidnapped.

She let out a yelp as the TV monitor came to life. Displayed on the massive screen, was her. She watched herself on the screen, being watched by a camera somewhere in the room. The image flicked to her from another perspective and zoomed in on her chest. She covered herself, blushing. The camera switched perspectives again, zooming in on her pussy this time. She changed position, crossing the room quickly and going to the other side of the ridiculous bed. But the cameras displayed her slender body the entire time, as far as she could tell, flicking from one angle to another.

"Just testing the cameras for blind spots, Marcy. We're going to go live soon and we wouldn't want our star to hide from her adoring fans."

Marcy could only gape at the deep voice that boomed from unseen speakers.

"But first another test, now that you're awake. Good girl."

Marcy tried to speak, but even that feeble attempt was cut short as some unseen mechanism in the invasive jewelry whirred to life. They had been designed to stimulate, and they were terrifyingly efficient at it. Even under these circumstances, the buzzing clit ring embedded in her flesh sent waves of pleasure cascading through her. The buzzing ceased. The man on the other side of the speakers chuckled, and Marcy hated herself for succumbing so easily to the kidnappers whims.

"OK", said the man cheerily. "It seems like the reward function is operating at peak efficiency. Now let's test the punishment. Bad girl".

Marcy's eyes widened at the word punishment, but there was really nothing she could do. A single stinging shock assaulted each of her perky young breasts, making her cry out and jump around feebly, trying to avoid the inevitable. The shock to her clit brought her to her knees, tears in her eyes.

"Sorry about that. It won't happen again as long as you do what you're told. Those were each set to level three by the way, and there are ten levels. I bet you're wondering what's going on."

Marcy curled herself up in the corner, making no response. The unseen cameras kept rolling, seemingly reveling in displaying her nubile young body on the monitor. The man went on.

"You are our prototype for a new kind of internet pornography. We offer instant gratification to the most twisted desires out there, via the computer. You will be a slave to anyone with the cash to afford it and a high speed internet connection."

He laughed again.

"Shall we get started"?


How do we begin?

          A promotional video


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