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Male Enhancement Pills and the Wife's Sisters | bigcockstu37 | 10


You and Jenny arrived at your mother-in-law’s, and of course, you bickered the whole time. Jenny seemed to have given up talking to you, as she was still perturbed by your decision to enlarge your cock, and thereby effectively sabotaging your relationship.

But as you two were perceived as the picture of marriage in her family, you kept your arguing in check, especially with your mother-in-law around.

It was a shame that your mother-in-law, who produced four strikingly gorgeous daughters, wasn’t a looker herself. She was your typical 50-year-old frumpy mother, and you have tried in vain for years to reconcile your mother-in-law’s looks with that of her daughters, as you see little connection. The only thing in common you see is her light blue eyes and generally dark complexion, which has translated to that combination in nearly all of the girls.

You could only assume that the girls get their looks from their father, who ran out on them when Jenny was 10. You saw a picture of him once, and he kind of looked like a combination of Brad Pitt and a young Marlon Brando. He was probably “dreamy,” especially to your mother-in-law.

When you arrived, you and Jenny went to the dining room to catch up, awaiting her sisters’ arrival. With all the fighting you’ve done with Jenny, you were eagerly awaiting seeing her sisters, if anything, just to let off some mental steam.


Which one do you see first?

          Kiera comes out of her room

          Hailey arrives

          Mariah's next


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