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Male Enhancement Pills and the Wife's Sisters | bigcockstu37 | 8


Hailey has the reputation of being the “smallest” Jones girl, but that just means she’s only slightly larger than everyone else in the world. Hailey, who is now 21, is four years younger than Jenny and was a standout high school volleyball player who is currently in her senior season of college volleyball after earning a scholarship.

Hailey is probably “only a DD,” but when she’s on the volleyball court, she dwarfs everybody on the court, which is where most of your lasting memories of her originate. She is tall, standing 6’3”, and her breasts look huge, even in her sports bra laden uniform. To make matters worse, she is incredibly slim and fit, and her breasts look gigantic on her slim body.

You remember talking to her once after a game, and she complained about how much she hurt after each game. You assumed it was her legs that ached, since she was the best attacker on the team, and was repeatedly killing the ball into the opposing team’s end. But her actual complaint surprised you.

“My side hurts so much after a game, because of the underwire of my bras dig in. I hate having to wear three sports bras to a game.”

Holy shit – three sports bras to keep those monsters under control? And they still jiggled and flew all over the place when she jumped.

You remember when she was a senior in high school, she was considering getting a reduction, especially if it kept her from reaching her full potential and getting a scholarship. But luckily, a Big 10 school came to offer her a full ride, big tits and all, and she thought it would be best to keep her tits if she were good enough to get a scholarship like that!


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