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Male Enhancement Pills and the Wife's Sisters | bigcockstu37 | 1


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You love your wife, Jenny, more than anything in the world. You two were high school sweethearts, and your marriage in unusually functional, if not perfect. But you recently made a reasonably innocent decision that has opened up a Pandora’s Box of issues.

In an attempt to add a little kink to the relationship, you decided to order some of those Male Enhancement Pills they sell late at night on cable TV. You figured it would be fun to have a bigger dick and give the wife a little … extra … fun.

You’re not quite sure why you did it, as it’s not like you had a small dick in the first place. Jenny had constantly reminded you that you are by far the biggest man she had ever been with, and that all the guys before you had little tiny dicks that couldn’t even get her off. She routinely describes you as “twice as big as them.” In fact, she has also said that “if you were any bigger, I don’t think I can handle it.”

But you’d always felt small, for some reason. Recently, you had an experience which really made you feel small. When you watched “point of view” porn, where the guys film themselves fucking the girls, it seemed like the guys had giant dicks. When you tried to film your wife sucking your cock one night in much the same fashion, you seemed really small. It could just be that you’re not as fit as those porn guys, and you have kind of a beer gut and it made it look smaller. Or that you didn’t shave your pubes. Either way, it haunted you.

So behind your wife’s back, you called for some Male Enhancement Pills one day, just out of curiosity. You didn’t expect them to work, but if they did make you bigger, then all the better. It was a free trial anyway, so you had nothing to lose. The ad claimed you could become as much as 33 percent bigger, but you were expecting an extra inch tops.

When you got the pills in, you began taking them, and measured your cock periodically to gauge any change. You measured before you took the first one, and you were 7-1/2 inches long and 5-1/2 inches around. You had expected to get to about eight inches or so and gain some girth, if everything went to plan.

But by the time you exhausted your free trial, you had already grown to just under eight inches, and your girth was now at six inches. Jenny remarked that sex had been extra good lately, as you’d been “rock hard” and sporting “some of the biggest hard-ons I’ve ever seen.” She didn’t know you were taking the pills and just chalked it up to the sex being extraordinarily hot. You thought, “I need to order a couple-month supply of this shit!”


What happens next?

          Start your regular dosage


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