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Jenny Gates | dkburrows | 2


"Damn it Jenny, I'm ordering you to go out with him! her father had yelled. Step-Father, actually. Not that it mattered, he was her mother's god, and whatever he said went.

The problem was she knew this Adam Green. They'd gone to school together, and he'd been a senior last year, the boy that all the girls wanted to be with. At least until they talked with him and found out that he wanted nothing more than a fuckbuddy. Not that many of them said no to it.

Jenny had, however. The day that he smacked her ass and grabbed her breast was the day she kneed him in the crotch in front of all the most important people in school. At the school prom, no less. She hadn't seen him since then until just recently when their parents got together with their families.

There'd been alot of boring talk about buyouts and mergers and other business things that she'd tuned out, thinking instead of what she'd say when she texted her friends, and how cute the singer of the latest boy-band was. It wasn't until her step-father cleared his throat that she paid attention. Far too late to, her inattention had sealed her doom.

"Right, Jenny?" he asked with a steely glare.

She'd assumed that he was asking her how she was. "Of course!" she'd gushed, putting in all the perkiness of a cheerleader, which she was.

That in itself was another thing she seethed over. Stupid Britney Perkins was just named the head cheerleader. The girl was younger than Jenny, and a transferee from the rival school that had beaten them at last years cheerleading champions. Jenny was supposed to get the job. She should have it based on seniority if nothing else.

"Fail one stupid course..." she muttered now, applying make-up for the dreaded date.

Back in grade eight, the crowning year of her pre-high-school life, she found out in the last week that they were holding her back a year. Apparently straight D's weren't enough to offset failing a course by a single percentage point. Not even the C in gym saved her, and everyone she knew, including The Idiot, Adam Green, went on to high school. She spent three years waiting for them to leave, them and their smarmy superior attitudes. This year was supposed to be hers to rule, and instead...

She threw down the makeup, growling at her own reflection. Her thoughts were going in circles and she couldn't concentrate. it was a good thing she'd already dressed, though she hated the clothes she was wearing. They looked great on her, partly because they were nearly skin-tight and the skirt was short, but they were a year old. She'd begged her parents for new clothes, but they said she couldn't have any until her grades improved.

Jenny buried her face in her hands, biting back a growl of frustration. She'd tried to improve her grades, but her course marks fluctuated from pass to fail with each test.

A couple of teachers had even suggested to her parents that she might have a learning disability, but her parents were adamant she was just lazy and, though she wasn't supposed to hear it, stupid.

"Jenny!" her mother yelled, making her jump. "What are you doing?"

"I'm... I'm putting on my makeup, mother."

"Taking it off is more like it," her mother sniffed, grabbing her hands and turning them palm-up, showing smeared makeup on them.

"Honestly, can't you do anything right?" she scolded, and started to wipe off the makeup Jenny had painstakingly applied. "You've smeared it. I'll do it."

"Mother..." she whined, hating herself for it.

"You're such a pretty girl, Jenny, you should be finding life easy. Instead you keep finding ways to mess it up."

Jenny winced, and held still again as her mother smacked her hand. She wanted to remind her mother not to put on too much makeup, but didn't dare. Jessica Gates had a tendency to revert to her days in the theatre when she'd worn copious amounts of makeup to let the audience see her expressions.

Mom's acting career was another sore point for Jenny; she constantly talked about it and how great she'd been. At least Jenny could say she'd inherited some of her mom's looks. True, she didn't have her mother's blonde hair, or the giant breasts, but she had a slim waist and long legs and Angelina Jolie full lips.

"Jenny!" her step-father bellowed, and she wanted to roll her eyes and cringe at the same time. Subtle he was not, but him yelling to her could only mean one thing.... Her date had arrived


Meeting her date...

          Adam Green, geeky but upscale


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