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The Animorph Pet Shop | orvas | 6


Shelly takes a step back as she looks you in the eyes. "Why don't you sit up here for a while, master?" She suggests, bringing you over to the edge of the pool. You're reluctant to leave Shelly's voluptuous body in the water, but curiosity for what will happen next gets the best of you as you hoist yourself up on the edge of the pool.

No sooner than you've turned around with your legs in the pool than Shelly's right between your legs, stroking your hard member with her webbed hands. You close your eyes and lean your head back and let her work on your manhood. Her hands feel so GOOD; nice, moist and smooth, as if they were coated in oil.

You reach your hands down while she strokes your cock and start to knead and massage her breasts, rubbing all over her flesh as they slowly start to expand again. "Mmmmm, do you like me master?" She asks with an innocent tone.
"You know I do, Shelly." You respond.
"Unnngh..." she moans as she continues to stroke you. "I like you too master. Let me show you how much."

You begin to protest as she moves your hands away from her now-gigantic breasts, but you're silenced when she steps in closer between your legs and cups them around your tool as she starts to stroke you with them. You moan in delight and look down as her soft tits rub all over your manhood. Shelly doesn't stop. She just looks up at you with a seductive smile before turning her head down, giving your hardness a little suck each time you thrust into her tits.

"Mmmmmmmm," she moans as she pumps you harder and harder. "My master tastes so good. I want more." You're not sure how much more you can take as she starts to alternate breasts, rubbing each of them up and down over your hard member. "Ah...oh God, Shelly...I can't hold it..."

She quickly sucks your cock in and out of her mouth, making a popping noise as the head pops out. "Then go ahead and cum for me! Cum all over me master, please! Cover me with your hot, sticky seed! I want you to shoot it all over my breasts!"

Shelly pumps your cock once, her tits come down over you, you can't take it any more. You feel your cock twitch as you start to spray your hot, white cum all over Shelly's chest. You've never cum so hard in your life, your shaft shooting a rope up across her tit, onto her nipples, and over her face. It seems to shoot out forever, coating her breasts with a slick layer of your cum.

"Mmmmm, I'm glad you liked that, master." She coos. "Would you like to return the favor?"


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