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Girlfriend | dkburrows | 2


You're a freshman at a lousy community college in a seedy part of town.

Jacob thinks the place is a dump and wants you to go to something more fancy, but you just don't have the money. Your parents were barely able to afford the first semester, and might not be able to afford the second. You knew you were supposed to get a job, but you just haven't been able to force yourself to stop partying, let alone make yourself study. The money your parents gave you is long gone and you've maxed out the line of credit you got during orientation day.

You've mentioned this to Jacob as a hint that he could always help you out, but he always ignores your hints, and starts talking about how much he hates people looking for handouts, and how he admires those who solve their own problems. You thought that being a playboy's girlfriend would mean gifts and money, but he's never taken you anywhere fancy. He said something like he gets enough class at home so for trash he comes to you.

If only you'd been smarter, been able to achieve a scholarship in something. But the only thing you're really good at is looking good.

Speaking of looking good, you're a petite little thing with 'cute' (gag) elfin features. You don't quite reach five feet but a lot of guys seem to like that about you. You just wish your boyfriend was one of them. You'd need more than the four-inch heels that seem to have become the norm.

Thankfully you're not at all skeletal, just small-boned. In fact you've got very nicely toned muscles, especially your surprisingly long legs, though they're not quite as killer as your ass. All in all your lithe little body is a taut and fuckable, as proven by the scores of guys who've already test-driven it.

Not that you don't have complaints. You wish you had breasts bigger than the A-cups you have. Jacob often laments their size, saying you should get D implants, but of course he never offers to pay. The way he grumbles about your 'boy chest' has made you more and more worried that he might leave you if you don't.

That's just another worry topping your stress-filled life. Failing-grades, almost no money, an uncertain future at the school, and a boyfriend who wishes you were something different and might get tired of you.

It's no wonder you sleep around. Not only is it great stress relief, but it distracts you and reminds you that you're good at something. It's not so much that the sex is good - most of the guys are pretty lousy fucks who just shove it in and out - it's the chance that he could walk in at any time.

(I picture Angelica Crow for her body, but with thicker nipples)


Background out of the way, what happens next?

          Out on a date with your boyfriend

          Searching for a room-mate

          Someone's been stealing your panties at the laundromat, you decide to set up a sting

          You desperately need a job


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